


1 year, 6 months ago



This character's wiki contains mentions of: Murder, Abuse, Torture, and Sexual Themes. Please do not proceed if you are uncomfortable with this.



Cam - 11/10/2023


Name Lucius Deathbringer.

Born December 31st, 1425.

Height 6'6" / 198 cm

Orientation Pansexual

Gender Genderfluid

Pronouns He/She/They

Non-Canon Ship Void

Voiceclaim TBD

Nationality Roman/Egyptian

Status Alive

Attribute Deceitful



Theme TBD

Family Triumphis


Lucinda (Non-Bio Sibling)


(Deceased Non-Bio Daughter)

Brutus (Non-Bio Son)

Kyren (Non-Bio Grandson)

Lateefah (Deceased Mother)

Deceased Older Brothers

Deceased Bio Father

Lucius makes his first appearance in the second arc of the story, the Yvirverse Arc. Throughout almost the entirety of the arc, he is presented as a mentor towards Centia, but actions towards the end bring in to question his status as a 'good guy'.

Across the Yvirverse Arc, it's extremely obvious to all but two characters, Centia and Anthony, that Lucius has many secrets which he aims to keep hidden. Despite rising suspicions against Lucius, he is protected by Anthony's power within the Yvirverse. Lucius is also given much freedom during the arc because of this, which is why he is able to have a more powerful influence on Centia. How Lucius acts in following arcs is TBD, but he also appears briefly in the Homeland Arc and the arc after that.


Lucius's first appearance takes place within the Yvirverse Arc, being introduced as a mysterious yet alluring character. Right off the bat, it seems Lucius has quite the good reputation, though it becomes known to Centia that he has only been there for a few months. He's shown as a particular favorite of Anthony, getting many benefits within EXTRAORDINAIRE that not even Anthony's closest friends get. The only characters shown to outwardly distate Lucius are Lonaca and Moche, but their opinions have little effect on him. Despite Moche's numerous warnings, Centia ends up forming a friendship with Lucius, which Lucius is appreciative of at first.

Rest is TBD



Lucius was born in the year 1425 within the Byzantine Empire on the Asia Minor, not far from where Constantinople still stood. The origins of his biolgical father are unknown, but his mother was a poor woman who came from the Mamluk state (Egypt). He was the youngest of three, but only for a few hours after birth. Lucius's mother had thought her pregnancy to be a curse, having not laid with anyone to be able to produce a child. Her thoughts were confirmed true, when shortly after giving birth she died from complications, leaving her three children behind. Unable to grapple with their grief, Lucius's older brothers, who were no older than six, stayed by her body. This would prove to be a mistake, as shortly after, a large figure distorted by shadows stepped out from a nearby alleyway. In a fight to protect their baby brother, the two brothers perished, and the baby was taken.

Lucius in his younger years was automatically seen as "different". After being kidnapped and brought to Twilight Border, the latent lining and connector of universes, he was put into a system in which he was raised by his captor and emperor, Triumphis, who labeled him 'Thirteen'. His purpose had been made abundantly clear to him: to serve and follow every order that Triumphis gave them, no matter how mentally or physically taxing it was. Just like the other 41 children around him, Lucius was being raised to take Triumphis's place as the Twilight Emperor, but none of them knew that. Every child, including Lucius, were tortured in unimaginable ways as part of their "training". The training was brutal, especially for young children, but it had yet to reach the peak of pain. Lucius was different in his sense of obedience, as the other children served Triumphis out of fear, while Lucius strived for Triumphis's approval, seemingly without rational reason. With Triumphis as his only real focus, unable to properly interact with the other children, and constant brutal torture, Lucius developed a world of problems. His jealousy was extremely severe, had very violent tendencies, he was withdrawn and anti-social, and was absolutely brutal when put against other children. Despite his problems, he was most-favored by Triumphis, and was the first and only to have received a reward, which was his weapon: Lucille. His jealousy reached such a point that after Triumphis gave a girl a reward for having exceled in her training much, Lucius became so engulfed with rage that he killed her and every other child there. Triumphis did not give him so much as a slap on the wrist, and now dedicated all training towards Lucius. Despite all brutality now being targeted at Lucius, he had gotten what he wanted.


Lucius's teen years were not particularly unique. The training came to a slow, as most of it had been done during his early years, so now Lucius was given more freedom and was being taught in the technicality of things. By now, Triumphis had told Lucius of his position as heir, which greatly excited Lucius but also made him conflicted. Triumphis was the only thing Lucius had loved, so the thought of Triumphis dying made him both very upset and angry. Lucius dedicated himself to his work, and any and all time between training was time he would spend with Triumphis. Lucius's dedication to Triumphis got so bad that he would ask Triumphis to put him in some of the most painful scenarios a human being could experience, all in order to be the center of his attention. Lucius claimed it to be an extreme yet effective form of discipline, which, unfortunately for the Deathbringers who are later mentioned, would stick with Triumphis.

The most notable creation of Lucius's teen years was Odox. Odox was initially a diary that Lucius had made himself, describing Triumphis's disciplinary actions in extreme detail, all so he couldn't forget them. By this time, Triumphis had given Lucius a portion of his power, of which Lucius had yet to explore. Within a keen curiosity, Lucius decided to use the power on his diary. With only a small portion of power, the diary was given a conscience, a personality, an eye, and a voice. This decision is one Lucius would come to regret, as when Odox was created he experienced all of the pain that Lucius had written within him. Odox would hate Lucius because of this, and would scream and yell at him whenever Lucius wrote inside him.


During his adult years, on the not-so-uncommon occasion that Triumphis was away from the Twilight Border for business, Lucius would spend the first two hundred years or so of his life just standing around, waiting for Triumphis to return each time. Eventually, Lucius would branch out, leading him to indulge in a wide array of human cultures. Despite his hatred for humans, he had an appreciation for their creation of the arts, much like how Triumphs did. However, his appreciation was deeper. Lucius became most infatuated in music and beauty most of all, but was also enchanted by art and language. Lucius would go to Earth very often to indulge in his appreciation, but that was as far as he was allowed to go, as Triumphis had prohibited him from Galypsia and Tasgarde. Because he was spending time away from his father, and having such an appreciation for human arts, Lucius's jealousy and violence issues started to slow, but did not stop entirely.

Lucius's life had been quite boring for the first four and a half centuries, asides from the sheer torment and training, which he was unfortunately grateful for. In the late 1800's, though, there was a significant change in his way of life. Tasgarde had been thrown into a global total war, one that put all life on the planet at risk of extinction. This would put Triumphis out of the Twilight Border for years on end, in which Lucius was instructed to stay behind. For over a hundred years, Triumphis came back to the border only a few times, and each time he paid hardly, if any, attention to Lucius as he was so busy with Tasgarde. Lucius became rather frustrated and upset over this, and ended up spending nearly all his time on Earth. Despite his hatred towards the species, Lucius thought that humans were good company, though they could never compare to Triumphis.

After the inevitable explosion of Tasgarde and the destruction of nearly all of its life, Triumphis would return to the Twilight Border, but he did not come back alone. He returned with 4 Tasgardian children, Daydan, Molly, Sinister, and Leila. It was not known to Lucius, but these children were meant to be predecessors much like how he was. Wary, due to Lucius's outburst 600 years prior, Triumphis absolutely forbid that Lucius go anywhere near them. Lucius agreed, and, despite his initital anger, actually took the order quite well. However, he could not avoid the children forever. Daydan, the eldest of the Tasgardian children, would accidentally stumble upon Lucius after fleeing his training. In a simple misunderstanding, Triumphis would punish Lucius in a way that was considered the most second painful thing a being could experience without the restraints of death. Lucius's body would be split into two, essentially duplicating him, creating Thirteen. Though the duplication was successful, only an original body could contain the full extent of power handed to them by Triumphis, so Thirteen was much weaker than Lucius.

As Triumphis was busy training the other Deathbringers, and had decided that Lucius needed a challenge/distraction, he sent Lucius out on a mission. Lucius's job was to find at least two human children, both easily impressionable, who could be trained personally by Lucius in the same way that Triumphis was training the other Deathbringers. Lucius was successful in his job, and came back with two American children by the names of Maria and Brutus. Both Maria and Brutus came with Lucius willingly, looking to get away from their traumas back on Earth. Despite Lucius's job being to train them, he found it extremely difficult to do so. This was because he had to use Triumphis's training methods. Even though he saw the methods as effective and necessary, he couldn't bring himself to inact them upon the two children. So, he lied to Triumphis about the successful progress of Maria's and Brutus's training. Instead of training them, he would often take them to "The Imagination Room", which allowed for an infinite amount of fake realities to be created for a set amount of time. Here, he saw them healing from their trauma, which gave him a sense of purpose he had never felt before. He felt the most purpose when he had asked Brutus if it was alright to call him 'son', in which Brutus responded, "Only if I can call you mom". Everything was going wonderfully, and Lucius recalls this time as his happiest moments, but it eventually came to a screeching halt once Triumphis found out the real status of Maria's and Brutus's training. Seemingly, out of nowhere, Maria and Brutus had escaped the Twilight Border and 'ran away' to God knows where. Lucius was devastated, and couldn't imagine why they would run away when they seemed so good. Triumphis brushed it off and told Lucius to take it as a lesson to never get too attached to anything or anyone.

Recent events leading up to first appearance in story TBA.




Strengths: Fighting, Writing, Flirting. Weaknesses: Emotions, People, Sympathy.







Stats change with story progression.

Lucius has a unique personality, at least when compared to the other characters. Upon first impression, he seems like an alluring person with clear sexual intent. To some he may even seem flirtatious. He's quite good at gaining the favor of those he wants to gain the favor of, and is also equally as good with becoming disliked by people he dislikes. His strength is something he doesn't boast but frequently hints at in order to instill fear in others. Fighting is something he's good at, but would much rather avoid by using mind games. He hosts a confident look on the outside, but actually is quite emotional when poked at in the right places. He has trouble holding back tears, and will become genuinely embarrassed after appearing vulnerable. Lucius tries to control himself, but his lack of self-control is extremely abundant. Afer so many years of being put on a high pedestal by Triumphis, Lucius has an inflated ego and greatly struggles to put himself in the shoes of others. Due to this ego, he prefers to take on the role of leader, and he only will ever take being bossed around by Triumphis. Lucius's outer desires consist of lustful acts and power, but his inner desires consist of the need for genuine relationships and the approval of his father.


Lucius talking to Anthony.


  • Appearances. Lucius, due to not having much freedom, takes much fun in toying with his appearance. He likes the feeling of 'being pretty', which has everything to do with his own judgement and not others.
  • Music. One of Lucius's few appreciations for humanity lies in its music, which Lucius loves deeply. He likes classical and orchestral music the best, as both comfort him. His favorite instrument is the pipe organ.
  • Writing. Lucius likes to use writing as an outlet for his emotions, which does wonders considering he didn't have anyone to talk to about his feelings for centuries. He doesn't really like to read the writings of others, but he likes to reread his own thoughts on paper.
  • Human Culture. Most aspects of any kind of culture from any human society are things that Lucius appreciates, despite his hatred of humanity. He likes how people can come together and make art, history, and all other things.


  • Harvesters. Though Lucius has a general distaste for Harvisasia in general, his true hatred lies deep from the Harvesters. He believes them to be one of the oldest living evils of humanity, and wishes death upon the entire bloodline.
  • Weakness. Lucius detests weakness, whether it be in him or others. He sees it as the ultimate path to losing, and losing is a one way ticket to failure. Emotional and physical weakness are equally hated by him, and the feeling of either makes him sick.
  • Humanity. This hatred comes from Triumphis's hatred of humanity, but that doesn't lessen it at all. Lucius believes that humanity is the means to a demise for each biological planet that harbors it, and sees it as an infectious disease that can only be cured by death.
  • Gods. Gods, in Lucius's opinion, are the catalysts for humanity's destruction. They encourage such awful behavior and actively protect the species.


  • Lucius's pronouns are not randomly chosen by the character who is using them. Characters with a familial relationship/are Lucius's family will use she/her pronouns, characters who are afraid of Lucius use they/them pronouns, and those who don't fall under either of those categories use he/him pronouns. This is not purposeful by the characters, but just an element used for Lucius's character.


Lucius has respect for Anthony in some regard, but otherwise sees him as a piece of lowly trash. To him, Anthony is a prime example of evil in humanity, considering Anthony's dark past and his tendency to hurt others. Despite Anthony showing remorse for these actions, and his decision to stay in the Yvirverse for the rest of eternity, Lucius still perceives him as a completely horrible human being. As such, Lucius has little problem in toying with Anthony's emotions. He feels satisfaction in breaking the ant's heart after playing with his feelings and making him fall in love with him. In spite of all of this, Lucius has respect for Anthony's leader-like personality, and how he can get himself out of almost any situation. A truly key asset to Lucius's plans.

Centia was seen by Lucius in the beginning as a dumb girl with dumb luck, but very quickly realized that she was a fast learner and had undiscovered potential. She helped him realize that he was a better mentor than bad memories led him to believe, and allowed him to rediscover his interest in guiding and teaching others. He was quick to gain respect for her, especially after she took a keen liking to him. However, that respect was quick to vanish upon finding out that she was a Harvester. Even though he had lost all respect for her, he did feel some remorse after betraying her, which scared him, surpisingly. This remorse would build up to full on regret, and he tried to resent her for making him feel bad about actions he felt were absolutely necessary. Despite all efforts, he couldn't come to hate her.

In the beginning, and for almost 500 years of his life, Lucius practically worshipped the ground that Triumphis walked on. Seeing as Triumphis was the second-born being, Lucius was deeply grateful to be under his mentorship and to be called his 'son', even if all of it was an act of manipulation. He was enthralled by the idea of becoming the next Twilight Emperor and taking his father's place. He took every bit of torture that was disguised as preparation with his future in mind. Truly, Lucius did love Triumphis, but he couldn't be affectionate with him in the way that sons and their fathers were. It seemed like a business relationship more than anything, but that didn't change the fact that Lucius simply adored Triumphis. During the events of the story, though, Lucius's adoration would slowly morph into hatred, despite all attempts to stop that from happening.