
1 year, 6 months ago


"Skate or die, dude. You either skate or you die." B)
-Zap at some point, probably

Full Name: Ziya Jaziri

Age: 20

Pronouns: she/they/whatever's funniest at the time


- Lives with mom and dad, who love and support her unconditionally. They can be a bit pushy, but it's only because they want her to do her best. They all do their best to understand and communicate with each other, and they all get along well. Her (maternal) grandma lives nearby and visits constantly.

- Started skateboarding when she was 7, which was also when she got the nickname. Some of the older teens who helped her learn when she was first starting out affectionately called her "Zap" and it stuck. Friends and teachers all called her Zap growing up. Now their grandma is the only one that calls them Ziya; even her parents only use her birth name when they're worried or upset, which is rarely. 

- Briefly dreamed of going pro, but realized early in high school that she didn't actually want to put in that kind of effort because she instead she could be like? Playing video games and hanging out with friends?? 

- Has placed well, including a couple of top 3 finishes, in nearby skateboarding competitions that she started attending in high school and still enjoys participating in. Still loves skateboarding more than almost anything and plans to do it until she's her grandmother's age at least, but has desires to pursue other things as a career path. (tbd)


- Cheerful, rarely serious (although can be when it's called for, of course); good at knowing what to say or do to cheer people up

- Class clown except if the class clown was also on honor roll and shortlisted for high school valedictorian? Loves harmless pranks (but hates ones done with bad intentions; wants to laugh with people, not at them) and stupid bets. She's won several root beer floats off of her friends by taking silly bets. Pretty impulsive when it comes to being willing to, as they put it, "do it for the meme." 

Fun facts:

- Probably would have died by now if granola bars didn't exist. Literally always has a granola bar on them somehow??? and happily passes them out to friends and local skate park regulars as needed.

- Favorite dessert: soft serve ice cream; Favorite drink: root beer float; Favorite snack: hummus and pita chips/pretzels/anything (learned how to make hummus from their grandma and almost always has a batch in the fridge)

Other notes for myself:

- Syrian descent; Arabic and English both L1s although she doesn't speak Arabic with her parents as much as when she was younger; mostly speaks it around her grandma and part of her worries she'll eventually lose the language

- Really good at math/hard sciences; some career paths I'm considering: architecture, chemistry, medicine maybe?