


9 years, 6 months ago


Another Yveriff, A closed species made by Kae-Art on Deviantart.

I am actually still considering renaming him, but I am not sure yet. He is a unique level Yveriff I adopted during the halloween event, and will probably never be traded.

Decay is a corrupt Yveriff, and is thus not able to touch any other living beings, anything that touches him becomes fatally ill. That being said, when he walks along the ground, the earth and plants below him become rather ill and withered as well.

He comes across as either grouchy or un-trusting, and rarely ever communicates with any other Yveriff, there IS one corrupt Yveriff he currently communicates with but that is the extent of his circle. He is a rather lonely critter indeed.

Side note: He is blind due to his corruption