TBN's Comments

Do u accept offers or no? Not to be rude or anything

Anybody in my th? 

Offlimits are skire kiddos, shadow cats, Cory 

Some characters are tent but let me know tho who u like

Yes! I do take offers, I took a look around and this guy really got me eye, https://toyhou.se/4889675.bronz

I can offer another character you like for him in my trades folder :) of course if you see someone else!

Since he has artwork, I can do this character and this one https://toyhou.se/12559266.orion

Since I both love this character and Orion alot

Orion I don’t think I can do since he was payed 50$+ :( is there anyone else you liked?

Ah okay then mmmm let me look again


What about this one? Not too sure on how much hiss worth is 

If not, maybe sweettreat and Monster drink theme character with this character? If u can't do Enigma

I can do the monster drink oc! I’ll transfer them both to you:)

4 Replies