Nero's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

maidein Global Rules

If you do not complete payment/scam me out of one of MY designs i reserve the right to reupload/revoke ownership of that character. Otherwise I don't support the revoking of designs, if you completed your payment, it's yours now, not mine!


1. Please do NOT resell characters for more than you got them without added art, unless you're in need.

2. My designs are NEVER allowed to be used as NFTs!

3. If you want me to change trade status of a character, just PM me, I don't bite!

4. Co-owning is ok, but the character can only have one profile.

5. Please do not sell my designs off-site!

6. Please do not whitewash any of my designs, I will block and blacklist you <3

7. Do not make NSFW of my designs, that makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable.

8. Please don't delete my designs! (Okay if creating a species profile or something, but do contact me first!)