Raemura (MOTU [CGI])



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

This tab is specifically for her information pertaining to the CGI Netflix reboot

Under redevelopment










November 25




Evil Horde




Jessica Darrow

Raemura was raised on Eternia by Keldor- never knowing anything aside from that. She spent most of her childhood training to become a palace guard, joining her father on missions, and learning about the royal family history.

Unlike her uncle -King Randor- her father didn’t sugarcoat historical events and past conflicts for Raemura, which led to her understanding from a young age that the universe could be quite cruel to those who were weak and powerless.





Armor, boyish, comfortable
  • She is around the same height as Keldor.
  • Her skull can be removed when she’s in her Grayskull/Havoc form.










Raemura is hot-headed and stubborn like her father. She also doesn’t back down easily from combat, refusing to give up unless necessary.

Despite so, she isn’t as cruel or as mean as she tries to appear. Deep down, Raemura has a heart of gold, even if she’s too focused on her reputation to admit such a thing.



For as long as Raemura can remember, she has spent her entire life studying, training, and working to become a royal guard, and eventually the heir to the throne, as she was the only royal child at the time.

While she was preparing herself to take on the throne, she ended up being quite disappointed to learn that it wouldn’t be easy, as King Randor -her uncle- was going to give it to to his newborn son instead.

Raemura always picked on Prince Adam, teasing him and making fun of him for being small and weak, horrible mannerisms she picked up from her father. She also did so out of jealousy, as she believed it wasn’t fair for her to lose her supposed right to the throne. It went on for years, up until Adam eventually vanished, along with Keldor.

At the time, she didn’t exactly trust King Randor, so she ended up running away from the palace and came across Evelyn and Kronis. Despite them all not being too familiar with each other, the two took Raemura in regardless, as they knew Keldor would most definitely have their heads if anything happened to her.

Season One

Raemura spent most of her teenage years with Evelyn and Kronis, even if they were hesitant and disappointed about taking her in. She held a grudge against Keldor after his disappearance, as she had assumed that he abandoned her. So after being reunited, she tried to avoid him and his henchmen. She refused to look at or speak to to her father, even after his transformation into Skeletor.

Skeletor had once persuaded Raemura to join him on a mission (which turned out to be family bonding) so the two could catch up on the past decade. However, it doesn’t go as planned and Raemura finds out she’s not Keldor’s biological daughter, and that he had took her in when she was still very young.

This new information causes their relationship to become much more strained than before, and Raemura starts to push him away.

Season Two

She spends her time trying to figure out who she is, who she wants to be, and what her purpose is in the fight between Skeletor and the Masters of the Universe. She has a hard time accepting that she even has a part in it at all, as she never once appears on the Castle Grayskull tapestry, and blames her father for everything.

Raemura soon starts to slowly turn against Skeletor. The two start to bicker and argue more often, and Raemura even tries to attack him with one of Evelyn’s spells she had learned. Eventually, she runs away and isn’t around during her father’s defeat.

Season Three

Raemura spends a long time traveling on her own, attempting to run away from her problems. However, it’s of no use, as Skeletor’s ghost tends to follow her around occasionally due to her embracing Havoc. Raemura starts to slowly become more aggressive and vulnerable, and the Havoc starts to consume her entirely. She constantly continues to push her father away, and says some slightly rash things that she won’t ever be able to take back.

She starts to blame herself for her failure to become the heir to the royal throne, become a captain of the royal guards, along with being the reason her biological family didn’t want her, despite Skeletor’s constant attempts to reassure her that she’s wrong. He tries to show he still cares about her, but Raemura refuses to see it and continues to push him and everybody else away, fully accepting the Havoc within her.

While Keldor is defeated once more and arrested later on, Raemura discovers her true purpose in the prophecy of the Masters of the Universe, where she came from, and what she’s finally meant to do. With that, she starts to rebuild the Evil Horde, and swears revenge on everybody who has ever wronged her.

  • Raemura was 12-13 when Keldor had kidnapped Adam and took him to Grayskull, resulting in Raemura being 22-23 during the show’s events.
  • She developed Keldor’s childish sense of humor and tendency to make boring dad jokes.
  • Raemura can wield both the Power of Havoc and Grayskull. She is a paradox- not meant to wield both without losing her sanity. However, her fate goes against the laws of Eternia’s magic, as she plays a much larger role than what she thought.
  • She has a crush on one of Eternos’ royal guards, whose identity is supposed to remain a secret.
  • Raemura was created by the Evil Horde, more specifically, Horde Prime. She was created as an experiment to absorb the powers of Grayskull and Havoc without it being able to affect her, for the Horde’s own benefits.

code by icecreampizzer