Raemura (Relationships)


Basic Info




Adoptive Father

From a young age, Keldor trained Raemura so she could become a royal guard. He never told her anything about being adopted.

Keldor never showed it much, but he cared about her a lot; he always told her not to focus on those who tried to bring her down, and to show everyone what she was truly capable of. He would give fierce looks to those who targeted her, causing the bullying to cease for a while.

She only reunited with her father after he became known as Skeletor, and she held a grudge against him for disappearing all those years ago. She spent a lot of time trying to avoid her father and his trio of minions, usually leaving the room when any of them attempted to talk to her or be near her.

Despite this, her father still tried every chance he got to make it up to her. They eventually started to bond once again, after a long time of bickering. They caught up on years of missed opportunities and experiences together.

However, secrets became known, and the two of them started to drift away and became more distant.


Adoptive Cousin

Raemura had picked on Adam; teasing and making fun of him out of jealousy.

Despite how their family has always been pitted against each other, Raemura and Adam get along quite well now that they’re older.


Former Mentor

Shortly after the disappearance of Keldor, Raemura joined Evelyn and Kronis. She didn’t get along well with Evelyn, trying to avoid the training sessions with her as the sessions focused more on Evelyn’s ego than actual practice.

Evelyn was disappointed in finding out the Raemura couldn’t use magic the same way she did, and that disappointment only grew stronger after it became clear that Raemura could absorb the power of Grayskull and Havoc.

Evelyn grew jealous and even attempted to exterminate Raemura at some point to gain the power for herself, much to Keldor’s extreme resentment and disgust.


Former Mentor

Raemura didn’t get along well with Kronis, but she got along better with him than she did with Evelyn. When she was young, she looked up to his strength and always attempted to get him to duel with her. For a short while, she considered Kronis as a second father figure.

Raemura is the only one who’s seen Kronis’ soft side, and she’s seen him smile a few times. However, they grew distant after Evelyn attempted to get in the way to take Raemura’s newfound power.

Kronis was hesitant at first to join Evelyn in trying to gain Raemura’s power, but eventually he caved in after getting a taste of Havoc the first time.

King Randor

Adoptive Uncle

Raemura never understood why her father and uncle didn’t get along, nor why Keldor rarely allowed her to see her uncle. She only realized later on that it was due to Randor’s belief that Raemura had no business being a part of the royal family, because of the fact she was adopted.

Raemura always asked Keldor why the king hated her, but he never knew how to answer her questions.

At one point Raemura tried to ask Randor in person, only to be turned away before she could even ask.

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