


1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Chester Rivera


22 years old


Is unknown




red panda


167 cm


50 kg


Hippie Drug Dealer



1. Chester is a native Canadian, but he has not lived in one place for many years, constantly traveling in his old, at first glance, but very cozy inside, van, built in the hippie style.
2. Panda lives according to the hippie philosophy, carefree, enjoying every day. Unfortunately, he is also addicted to drugs, which allow him to look at the world differently and realize himself.
3. Chester is a loner. He lives alone, travels alone and works alone too. Although he is extremely lonely and he often spends time with different characters, often sexually or taking alcohol and drugs.
4. Chester is frivolous, his speech is voluptuous and sluggish, his timbre of voice is often intoxicating and narcotic for other characters. He is also very eloquent, Chester knows how to win over anyone.
5. Chester has no sexual inhibitions. He has a lot of fetishes.
6. How can I describe this guy yet? A very good question. He is cunning and clever, although he does not show it. Basically, he behaves infantile and slow. Often he can pretend to be dumb as a cork, just because he is lazy. But if you get to know him better, you might be surprised how versatile he is.
7. When Chester does not travel and does not sell drugs, he reads a lot and makes things with his hands. He loves making things out of wood and epoxy resin. Almost all of his furniture and accessories are made by his hands.
8. Do you think he sells such things? Oh no. He considers it his hobby, yes, he spends a huge amount of time and effort on these inventions, but he gets satisfied with it.
9. Chester dreams of getting a dog to travel with her. He suffers a lot from his thoughts, because he is more often alone.
10. Chester never said anything about his parents, he only mentioned that they were bad people and abandoned him. This topic is very painful for a guy and he gets angry if someone tries to get into his past or personal life.
11. Chester loves accessories made of wood, he makes wooden rings for himself, which he hangs on his dreadlocks.
12. Chester lives by the principle of "We live once, Act!" Therefore, he often gets into trouble. Therefore, instead of the usual right fang, he has a gold implant and scars on his muzzle. The guy never said where it all came from.
13. He often wounds his hands with wood and then colored plasters are his eternal accessory.
14. Dreamcatcher on the neck, why is he? It's just that Chester is fond of Eastern and Asian culture, he believes in the mythology of these countries.
15. Chester's ears are always lowered, they physically cannot be a stick-up because of the peculiarities of his body.
16. Chester has a strange hobby - paints his nails on his hands and feet in different colors.
17. The guy loves various bracelets made of wood and baubles.
18. He doesn't like tight clothes. Chester prefers long shorts, wide trousers or jeans and, in principle, oversize. He is also not a fan of sports style or fashionable modern clothes. He prefers to sew his own clothes, and even when they tear or deteriorate, he repairs. Therefore, there are many patches on his clothes.