[2.] Landcress Cookie



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Cress/Landcress Cookie








Age: 5

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Cookie/Satyr

family: Fathers are Wind Archer Cookie and Fire Spirit Cookie. Siblings are Angel Cookie and Devil Cookie.

Friends: No close friends yet.

Landcress Cookie, mostly going by Cress, is a very quiet and chill young cookie satyr. He spends most of his time sticking to his own hobbies and minding his own business. He spends hours studying and wandering around just to look for the things he enjoys and learn more about them. Bugs, plants, volcanos and flowers are always on his mind as well as just testing his little limits climbing trees and scaling tall hills when under the supervision of his parents of course. He doesn't talk much but uses his words enough to express how he is feeling and to ramble about anything cool he learns. He often gets scolded for bringing large bugs and exotic dangerous plants into the house. He is obsessed with history as well, especially when it comes to the history of the Dragons Valley. 

Cress was obsessed with learning the moment he could really process the world around him, which started incredibly young. He learned to walk and talk and read as young as possible, interested and curious about the world around him. His father Wind Archer was especially fond of this, knowing that he could raise his child to eventually become the next to watch over the forest, especially with Cress' love for all things to do with the forest. Cress was born with abnormally large wings that are way too big and heavy for his tiny body, so he is unable to fly...at least until he grows into them. For now, he uses his wings as a shield or blanket to hide himself or his siblings. He loves plushies, definitely plushies of bugs and exotic animals. Cress also adores making flower crowns or just creating patterns using flowers. He has small antler nubs on his head that will eventually grow into large buck-like antlers. Because of him being a satyr, specifically a sheep satyr, he has small hooves for his feet that need to be taken care of in a similar way to horse hooves. He doesn't like his hooves and wings being messed with much, but he knows if they need touched up then he will try and relax and wait for it to be over, as he would much rather be playing outside. He is very adventurous and doesn't fear much, which worries his fathers as they know Cress could get into many dangerous scenarios out in the forest where he likes to wander alone.


  • Cress had an incident with a bear trap once, leaving him weary of traps wherever he goes. He is very observant about the world around him.

  • He has forever warm hands, thanks Fire Spirit.

  • He adores his two siblings, usually napping with them or rambling to them about their plant and/or bug finds.

  • He will climb to the very tippy top of a tree just to grab one specific fruit he sees.

  • Very hands on learner

  • Besides his green leafy attire, he also loves wearing warm cozy pajamas.

  • Don't forget he has a little deer/sheep tail! It is a small nub, but it wiggles a lot when he is really happy.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD