


1 year, 5 months ago




Remember me, love, when I'm reborn, as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn

Full Name



nobody knows!

seemingly a feline


end of summer

being silly




Theme Song


golden jewelry
sun, moon and stars imagery
all sorts of trinkets, they can't get enough of that stuff
cosy small spaces, blankets


crowded spaces
loud noises and strong smells
too hot or cold weather
being talked over
sudden changes
rainy weather (makes them depressed)


collecting golden jewelry, accessorizing
decorating their den and making it as cosy as possible
birdwatching, observing insects and frogs
napping a lot

tiny, similar to a 6 months old kitten

various shades of dark brown

Body type

short with a plush feeling

light blue






design is incredibly flexible, you can change colour palette, the shape of the beetle, anything as long as you have fun
golden jewelry is always appreciated but optional!
pupils are always dialated, making the light blue sclera barely visible
ears tend to flop from time to time, especially in the wind
can be drawn with long or short tail (before and after it got chopped off lol)
random freckles all over the body and pawpads, optional

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They tend to travel in their travel gear, consisting of a green, cotton cape with detailed and precise embroidery of flowers and beetles. In their bag they carry anything that might or might not be useful, as long as it's shiny or interesting to look at. Their inventory at times can consist of golden jewelry, candles, mushrooms, dead bugs, various rocks, fruits and vegetables, and despite not being able to read very well, a herbology and entymology books. For dark nights, they carry a golden lantern. As already mentioned, they love to decorate, as they consider it a beautiful way of self expression, so there will be a lot of decorations attached to the travel gear at most times.

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bug isn't their real name, however, they refuse to tell anyone what their real name is. if bug could write, they would write their name all in lowercase.

don't tell anyone, but bug can somehow travell through different worlds, which explains their slightly alien demeanor. they love making friends in different universes and visiting them every once in a while. they often mention those they know to their friends from different universes, being like "haha, Boogle would love that!", leaving the other person guession "Who the hell is Boogle?"

bug lives in a little den with an entrance through a treestump. They decorated it perfectly to their liking and made it as cosy as possible. They get cold easily, so the den is full of blankets, pillows and plushies laying all over the place. Enter at your own risk, because you're probably not gonna leave without a nap.

bug has a strong appreciation for materials and has a very refined taste in fashion and decoration. They adore the colour green, especially together with gold, and they have a soft spot for velvet and corduroy.

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bug is somewhat of a local cryptid. one day they they just appeared and started existing in the forest. despite not being exactly mysterious, as bug absolutely adores chit chatting and is constantly oversharing, nobody really seems to know much about them anyways. even though they love to know about everything that's happening, they pick and choose what they want to be a part of and they often prefer to be on their own. bug haven't exactly had it easy in the past, and after finding some peace in life, all the want to focus on now is building a home in which they can feel safe and comfortable for themselves. they love bringing all kinds of trinkets into their den and spend a lot of their time decorating it, making it as cosy as possible. despite being a huge homebody, they seem to disappear every once in a while for weeks at a time, where could they possibly be going?


very inquisitive and rather impulsive in nature, they make a perfect brew for getting into trouble. many times they've had very stupid ideas and done things just to see "what if". One of those moments lead to them to an almost fatal accident, leaving them with only a little stub for tail. They refuse to tell anyone what exactly happened, but for the most part they do not seem to be very bothered about the loss of their tail.

bug has always struggled with consistency, being extremely motivated one day and completely burnt out the next day, unable to really do anything at all. This has always made it hard for them to function as a part of a bigger picture where everyone needed to be consistent and reliable, which bug wasn't always able to do. They eventually stopped fighting the urge to fit in and decided to make a life for themselves elsewhere.

bug loves compensating their past by spoiling themselves in the present. always looking for a new awesome trinkets to collect, napping whenever they feel like it and going for adventures whenever the please, they try to be kind to themselves to heal wounds from the past. despite being comfortable at the moment and very grateful for it, they almost feel like they lost a sense of direction in life...


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.
