


1 year, 7 months ago



Title The Divine Daisy
Gender Female
Orientation Bi
Age Immortal adult
Species Human angel
Residence Interstellar Embassy
Role Embassy CEO

''After all, it’s me that convinced you to see souls as more than tasty morsels for your eldritch buddy!''

Madelief is the CEO of the Interstellar Embassy. She is the foster mother of Helin, the guardian of Sanne, and the girlfriend of Kosshi. She is an human angel, with the blood of an ancient creator god flowing through her veins.

'Madelief' is but one of her names, with her full name being 'Lady Madelief Vitalis Drizzle 'Schokoa' Dew. She is one of the most important cast members in the Interstellar Embassy lore, taking the spotlight in some books. However, she is rarely involved with Helin and Kosshi's online endeavors.

In her free time, Madelief writes and illustrates the webcomic 'Kami's Assistant'. She does this under the online name 'DrizDew'. Much of embassy's lore is connected to this comic because of her involvement, with the game adaptation 'Kami's Assistant: Reblessed' being the most prominent. This project features an extended storyline involving the embassy members, with Madelief herself having the biggest role.

There are minor spoilers on this profile regarding our upcoming webcomic, although longtime followers should already be fairly aware of them.

Digital Days

A younger Madelief first appeared in the Digital Days webcomic as a minor cast member. She went under her online name 'DrizDew' and spoke with a comically strong Austrian accent. This comic was written in a yonkoma format, detailing the daily lives of a group of gamer friends, with many based on real people.

She was introduced as an Austrian exchange student who served as Lady Drizzle's assistant. Although not explicitly said in the comic, Madelief assisted the princess on behalf of Kosshi, who in return offered her free lodging at his apartment. The two would become romantically involved soon after she moved in.


Digital Destiny

Madelief was set to return in the cancelled sequel, Digital Destiny. Despite its cancellation, these stories are still canon to the 'Inner Element + Symphony' series.

There was an entire book planned to focus around Madelief. Here it would have been revealed that she descended from a family who, in ancient times came in contact with the blood of a creator god. This power would manifest greatly whenever she travelled into the digital realm.


Interstellar Embassy: Guidance

With the first 'Interstellar Embassy' book mostly detailing how Kosshi met Helin, Madelief plays only a minor role.

She appears at the end of the story after Kosshi has put Helin to bed. The couple talk about their past battles, with Madelief being pretty annoyed that she was not mentioned in the backstory he just told their child. She concludes by doing something special for Helin, which results in the couple drawing a new family portrait together.


Interstellar Embassy: Happy Heaven

Madelief is much more involved in the second book. The story opens with her and Helin going shopping at Happy Heaven's Mall, eventually sitting down to reminisce about their first meeting.

Madelief first appears in the flashback after Kosshi asks her to look after Helin. Much of the story goes into Madelief's backstory, revealing that after Kosshi was chosen to become the next Jailor of D'ethulfo, she found a way to ascend as an angel in the hopes of saving him. She mentions how she met Kosshi (who suffered from amnesia) at a gala the day before he went to collect Helin's soul and was able to instil doubt within him, setting up the events of the previous book.

Kosshi returns the end of the flashback, revealing that he went to find a way to recover his lost memories. Having finally discovered who Madelief is, they rekindle their relationship.


Interstellar Embassy: Sisterhood

The book opens up with an old friend visiting the family. She gives them a digital watch, which is recognized by Madelief as belonging to Kosshi. During the night, Helin activates the device, after which it projects Sanne, who turned out was 'sleeping' within the device ever since Kosshi became the jailor.

Much of the book centers on Kosshi and Sanne reacquainting. Madelief appears again after Helin becomes fed up with the girl, telling her warmly that her father has enough love to give both her and Sanne. This allows Helin to warm up to her 'little sister'.


Kami's Assistant: Reblessed

Madelief has an important supporting role in 'Kami's Assistant: Reblessed'.

Madelief often appears to explain important events to Umeko, mirroring the fact that Madelief is also the author behind the original webcomic. She is first seen taking Umeko's place as the narrator of the opening dialogue and implores the girl to seek her out.

She next makes a small cameo appearance in Umeko's flashback sequence. If the player enters the southern exit at the train station, they will encounter a hidden scene with Madelief, Kosshi and Helin talking about Umeko's imminent death. After the player walks steps into view, Madelief apologizes on behalf of her family and warmly suggests that that Umeko should forget all about their 'little family argument'.

Madelief is slated to have a bigger role in later chapters, currently in development.


Love's fate

Once, there was a girl who fell in love with a young man. By itself nothing special, but this girl was different. Divine blood pumped through her veins after her ancestors accidentally came into contact with an ancient deity many ages past. She was meant to pass this down to her her children one day, but fate had other plans for her.

One pivotal moment split the timeline apart. In one, she and her boyfriend would go on to live a happy life... but in the other he was accidentally chosen to become the next jailor of an eldritch horror! In the this universe, the girl was approached by a rebellious deity. It offered her a choice: ascend into the heavens to rescue her love... or remain on earth and move on with her now rather empty life. Evidently, she chose the former. It was on that day that Madelief became an angel!


Madelief required many lifetimes of men to learn all she could about the eldritch horror that now ensnared the mind of her love. The gods were less than helpful, for they feared the being would escape its chains if interfered with. Instead, she sought her now ensnared boyfriend out directly and was able to speak to what was left of his humanity. A chance encounter at a gala allowed Madelief to approach the young man now known as the Jailor.

While she kept their relationship hidden from him, she was able to instill a sense of regret within his mind. Doubt ever gnawed at him from that day forward. He could not in good conscience gather up more souls to keep his charge satiated. This doubt would evolve into intrigue, which eventually brought him back to her. As time went on, she was able to unlock his long-lost memories. Kosshi had been reborn! As they embraced, they hatched a plan to defeat the evil being once and for all.

The Interstellar Embassy

Together, they were able to tear apart the eldritch horror, scattering the many pieces of its soul all across the known multiverse. Despite the success of the battle, this was no victory. The individual pieces of this horrific creature gained sentience and could potentially be an unending source of misery and pain. In this time of despair, it was Madelief that came up with the idea to build a refuge far away from the prying eyes of the now angry gods.

As such, the Interstellar Embassy was born, and she would become its CEO. Alongside her boyfriend Kosshi and adopted daughter Helin, Madelief has done her best to spread awareness of the eldritch problem, with their ultimate goal being to one day cast away the shadow and redeem themselves in the eyes of the universe!




Madelief is the perfect angel. She is a serious, dedicated and calm being to the potential clients of her organisation. A ray of guiding light, the perfect representation of grace and modesty. At least, that is how she advertises herself, but the reality is rather different. Towards friends and family, Madelief is cheeky, playful and sharp of tongue. She is clearly the one who holds the power of speech in her family, easily overpowering her boyfriend and daughter with her quick wits and teasing remarks. This combination of powerful charisma and intelligence made her the perfect candidate for CEO in favor of her much more action-orientated partner. Although they mutually decided she is the better fit for the position, she often uses her 'seniority' to tease him. However, there is no real friction between them, as he often counters with a joke, ending in mutual laughter. Deep down, she is truly the person whom others can rely on when worried or depressed. Her personality often shines brightest in times of darkness when her positive outlook on life is needed the most. Still, this has not stopped her from bragging about all of her accomplishments, though, no matter how meager!

speech pattern

Madelief speaks in a calm tone, no matter the current persona she takes. In a business setting, she speaks very formally. When in a private setting, she tends to speak a lot more easily. In case of the latter, she likes making her own sound effects for even the most mundane of actions, such as sitting down or drinking tea. Much to the chagrin of others, she often pronounces words incorrectly on purpose. Madelief speaks with an Austrian accent, albeit much less thick than the media often portrays it.


  • Madlief is the Interstellar Embassy's representation of the online artist known as 'DrizDew', who is Kosshi's girlfriend and Helin's foster mother. She uses a different name when at the embassy primarily to keep her endeavors separate.


Height 72.0In (183CM)
Body type Slender
Hair color Blonde and brown
Hairstyle Very long
Eye color Teal
Skin tone Fair
  • Madelief's natural hair color is brown, but most of it has a golden glow. This is due to the invasive divine powers within her manifesting. This was first shown in Digital Days, although it was more muted compared to her modern depictions.
  • In previous 'Interstellar Embassy' artwork, she was instead depicted as a full blonde. This was an artistic experiment, but ultimately neglected in favor of her previous look.


  • Her primary design depicts her wearing a suit. As the CEO of the Interstellar Embassy, Madelief always tries to dress appropriately. The teal color of her suit is yet another connection to the natural world, while the purple color of her skirt and tie was chosen to simply match her flower accessory.
  • The choice of a suit and skirt is also partially inspired by Umeko, the protagonist of the 'Kami's Assistant' webcomic and its game adaptation, referencing Madelief's authorship of that story. The single strand of hair sticking out on top of her head is also a reference to this character.
  • The flower in Madelief's hair is a lilac, which is her favorite flower. In the past, she wore a hibiscus flower in her hair instead, with some pieces of her clothing being pink to match.


  • Madelief is often depicted holding a single hand on her chest, most prominently shown in her reference artwork. This pose also returns in 'Kami's Assistant: Reblessed', where she can be seen doing so in her portrait art.
  • Madelief's divine power is focussed on nature and growth. Her reference artwork depicts her magically growing a daisy from her left hand.

Seasonal events

  • Madelief has been part of various 'Helin & Kosshi' events. She first appeared as the lead guest of the 2021 Magical March, where she was depicted in her 'battle regalia', resembling e a magical girl.
  • She was also part of the 2021 and 2022 'Christmas Carol' events. Madelief took the role of the Ghost of Christmas Present both times, referencing her angelic status. In 2021, she still had the hibiscus flower color scheme, while the 2022 version was based on her current look, albeit in chibi form. Helin and Kosshi attended the same event, dressing as Past and Future respectively.
  • Another event she attended in 2022 was Mermay, being the final entry alongside Kosshi. Her outfit was based on her 'battle regalia', rather than her suit. This was the first time that the couple was drawn together.
  • Her final seasonal appearance was during Halloween 2022. Here she was once again depicted alongside Kosshi, with her dressing up as an angel. This artwork was made just a month prior to her modern update, so she was still depicted with a full head of blonde hair.


  • A YCH chibi was drawn featuring Madelief holding a camera. This shows her at home dressed in a recolored version of her suit, albeit without shoes. The artwork was used as a small teaser for the 2023 Christmas artwork.


  • Although the CEO of the Interstellar Embassy, Madelief does not associate herself much with Helin and Kosshi's creative endeavors. However, all three family members are involved with the making of 'Kami's Assistant: Reblessed'.
  • Madelief's relationship with Kosshi is never explicitly mentioned in 'Digital Days.' However, there are hints, such as them standing close together on pages 044 and 048. She also calls him by the affectionate nickname 'Kosshi-o' during her first meeting with Lady Drizzle.
  • The god whose blood flows through her veins is Highfather Deus, the creator god of the 'Inner Element' saga.


  • Madelief is known for stacking her many (nick)names into one large name. She often gives her many names and titles when introducing herself to clients.
  • The name 'Madelief' is the Dutch variant of 'Daisy'. Kosshi once called her this based on her love for flowers and she took it up as her new primary name. This is also referenced in her title of 'the Divine Daisy'.
  • The name 'Schokoa' was given to her by Kosshi and is a misspelling of the German word 'schoko', meaning 'chocolate'. This goes along with the nicknames she gave to Kosshi and Helin, which are 'Cookies' and 'Little Cake' respectively.
  • 'Vitalis' refers to the Latin word 'Vita', meaning life, referring to her angelic status. This name was her 'angel name', but she dropped it as her primary name because 'it sounded kind of lame'.
  • 'Drizzle' and 'Dew' both refer to her online name, DrizDew.
  • Her title in 'Digital Days' was 'the Divine Assistant', a clear reference to the 'Kami's Assistant' webcomic.


  • Madelief made her mark in the Heavenly Realm as a local business owner. Her talents for bookkeeping and management are remarkable, which was further improved after becoming the CEO of the Interstellar Embassy.
  • After ascending, Madelief inherited the powers of the elements of light and life. This has given her a talent for both light and healing magic. However, she absolutely hates being called a healer, believing her offensive magic potentially rivals that of the gods.
  • Her angelic self is rooted in plantlife, especially flowers. This has not only given her a certain degree of control over nature and its many wonders, but also great knowledge in herblore.


  • Madelief's birthday is on August the 17th.
  • Madelief is the one who designed the cookie patch on Helin's beret. The design also has a vague resemblance to a collection of planets in space and has become the symbol of the Interstellar Embassy itself.
  • Her heavy accent was toned down significantly since 'Digital Days', to the point it can not be noticed in written form. It was originally written like that as a joke between Madelief and Kosshi, as her real dialect is very mild.

As a member of the Interstellar Embassy, Madelief is part of the series with the same name. She is featured as a primary cast member alongside Helin and Kosshi.


Foster daughter

As her foster mother, Madelief's relationship with Helin is very lovable. They share a lot of interests and always seem to be excited (and somewhat girly) when together. However, Madelief is often shown to be fiercely protective of Helin, bordering on the extreme.


Boyfriend / employee

Kosshi and Madelief have a very playful, albeit somewhat teasing relationship. Their love is so strong, that she was willing to ascend beyond the mortal realm to save him. They work together like a well-oiled machine, whether in combat or in the household.


Arificial ward

Madelief and Sanne were initially mutually frightened of each other. However, over time, they really began to form a bond, and Madelief is now considered to be a guardian to Sanne. Sanne for her part does her best to offer aid as a digital assistant.

Lady Drizzle

Old friend / ex-employer

In a previous life, Madelief worked as Lady Drizzle assistant. Although she did this in exchange for free lodging, the two became best friends over time. Madelief is the only member of the embassy who still keeps up with their old friend.


Ultimate enemy

Madelief considers D'ethulfo her ultimate nemesis. Unlike most, she does not freeze when faced with the eldritch horror, her anger and hate cancelling out any fear. After the deity's pieces were scattered across the universe, she vowed to absolutely eradicate them.

html by Euna


*Some of the tabs are bugged and do not open on the first try. This is strangely fixed by first clicking on a few others, after which they become active.


**The 'Connections' tab has its own bug where it only opens once, but refuses to do so again when another is opened afterwards. This is simply fixed by refreshing the webpage.