
6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Blue

Gender: male

Personality: has a secret sweet side, prefers to hide his emotions for as long as he can however emotions are shown by the heart in his left eye

Backstory: he use to be a sweet pup who always wore a blue bandanna. He was as normal as could be. However things in his life were not good, he didn't know his parents after they abandoned him and to top it off one night he was attacked. He went to bed bleeding with tear soaked cheeks. Once awake he was frozen with fear, his left eye had changed and his bandanna had arms with large claws and ever since that day it has gotten bigger. 

Info on the scarf:

It has been reported that people often feel like they are being watched by it yet it is unknown if the scarf can actually watch people (despite the eyes and teeth pattern on the main bit) however it has been known to bleed if torn and will eventually repair its self. The scarf is alive and can move the arms in its own. The more blue feels any hate the bigger the scarf gets.