Rosie Posie



1 year, 7 months ago


Rosie Posie

Pocket's full of Posie

Rosie is a class clown in The School, and it's her dream to work in The Circus!

Rosie is also cursed with hypnotic powers after receiving a tattoo with black magic, this causes her eyes to become swirly like her cheeks, hypnotizing anyone she makes eye contact.

This is helpful when no one laughs at her joke, and the room is embarrassingly quiet, she will hypnotize the entire class, causing howling laughter!

She's always making a big fuss in Oliver's, Bookley, and Miss Simmer's classes.

But none of her pranks are any danger, make no mess, and hurt no feelings, all she wants is a good time and lots and lots of friends.

But of course, her jokes are at the teacher's expense, such as hypnotizing the teacher to drop a book, or blurt out something hilarious.

Ashes, Ashes,

Her best friend in the entire world was Kidder, another class clown whose joke's always seemed to go too far.

We all fall down