WTA/FCFS's Comments

I can offer one of this darlings for this design :3c https://toyhou.se/Komorebiko/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:OPEN

Hello! I'd love to claim her! I'd like to use her in the canon of my oc-verse as a countess in the Greed District. She'd be a demon born of the Dead Realm, and one that nurtures all the ideals her realm imposes. Lawfully. She's born of two bloodlines, which means her soul is nimble ans she could easily fit into one or more districts. This just means she's adaptable, of course, your soul haa to pick a set course to expand at some point. She chose greed. For all her bluster of care for the meek of her realm, she is the greediest of all. She takes and ans takes. She was born of the Greed and Lust district, so naturally she started a nightclub. In which, she embezzled much of the compensation that was to go to her staff, she secured them with lifetime contracts that endorsed this behavior and effectively no way out, as the Compendium of the Dead Realm endorses expanding on our sins...so she was not punished for using her nightclub as a way to make a Monopoly. She's in charge of much of the financing that goes into her faction of the Greed District. She's very close with the king, even rumored to know him from another life...but only time will tell. Her name would be Nyx, as a nod to Greek mythology as the personification of darkness and daughter of chaos /the first demon king of Greed, "The King who couldn't have it all" her father tried to hold more than two bloodline titles /Greed and Wrath\ and now he's mocked as an idiot throughout all of the realms. The man who thought he could, fell flat on his face. He couldn't. He shouldn't. It wasn't possible. He tried. It failed. He was lost to time, and their family legacy faded into a joke while she changed her whole existence and distanced herself from her father. She worked her way up for her money and power and title, though specific processes are ineligible to fake so she'd have to make specific parameters to avoid them. (The entire Realm is essentially categorized by your Sin/Soul type, and if you're a land or sea type) Based on your sin/soul, you'll be sorted into your matching district. Once you grow up and move out of your selected schooling in that district, (the Districts have different curriculums designed to enhance different soul types) After they graduate, they can opt out of this program, marry into another district, etc. Nyx, married into a Greed Bloodline, became known as the whisper over his shoulder and sunk her talons into the high ranks, becoming one. He died pretty soon after, but he'd been fighting sickness here and there so..it wasn't a surprise but...he was a vampire sub-class Demon? What could've made him sick? Anyways, she's not one to be messed with! I hope I'm not too late 😭💫

In this house, we respectfully cherish and love pale-haired women,,, 🛐

But ahem. The two other entries so far are amazing but I'm gonna take my chance and try to write a lil something for this character!

For starters, I can imagine she'd be the biological mother to one of my other ocs; Veronica. To summarize Veronica's story real fast so you get an idea of her character; she's basically a detective who is mysteriously skilled at her job. She turns stones other detectives usually wouldn't bother to turn, more less even look at, which ears her somewhat of an odd/negative reputation in her workplace.

Despite her semi-bad reputation, she gets handed the tougher cases and solves them with stunning ease… which technically should make her rep better, but with the growing jelousy of her co-workers, it really doesn't get better. 

At some point, as she's handed a tough case nobody's managed to solve, let alone find any hints or anything to— unsurprisingly, she's the first one who finds anything. Long story shorts, thanks to this case— she gets mixed up in trouble and a specific person who is the main villian of this story,,, he manages to completely ruin her position, leading to her getting fired and being forced to join his side.

Now, the idea I have in mind for her mother— aka possibly this character— is that she would've taken off after Veronica was born, not seeing herself as fit to be a mother. Of course, Veronica's father is beyond devistatet by his wife's dissapearance, also being left to deal with Veronica on his own.

(I'm sorry if this is awfully long— I tend to ramble a lot 😭🤲)

Anyhow— little would they all know that Veronica's biological mother, possibly this gal, is working with the very gang that ends up ruining her reputation. Of course, her mother doesn't actually realize that Veronica is her daughter till they actually meet face-to-face, then realize that they're awfully similar,,, :)

Tysm for the chance!! And again, sorry for the ramble 😭🤚

Id probably write this lovely lady as a vampire, in my Wicked Kiss story. She'd maybe be a singer, bartender, or maybe even bodyguard at the club/brothel/place where vampires go to consensually feed that much of the story takes place at. She sings onstage to the club, but uses the stage as a vantage point to bee the club owners eyes and ears when he's not around, to keep an eye on and kick out suspicious people and keep away monster hunters. I feel like she'd become an information collector, constantly listening to everything going on and learning all the gossip and secrets of the city, making her very dangerous to cross. I also had the mental image of her fighting monster hunters with a blade on a chain.

Ahhh! So pretty omg... I really love this design! I'm a sucker for mean, pretty woman hehe I'd definitely use them in any way I could! I love writing lore and developing my characters and she'd be perfect for that!! Omg I literally can't get over her design eeek... I love ur art and design hehe I really need to sub to you honestly.. anyway tysm for the opportunity!! Have a nice day :)