


name santiago rivera-cortez
gender cis man+
pronouns he/they
orientation bisexual
age 25
birthday july 23rd
measurements 6'2" - 232lbs
ultimate bounty hunter
role n/a
Now who's the better shot?
It didn't have to be this way.
It's always going to be this way.
...Still the better shot.
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti istp
alignment true neutral
leading trait moral
biggest flaw tied-down

Design notes

  • Santiago has long hair that goes down to his lower back, almost always tied back into a loose braid. It's miscolored in licks scattered about his hair.
  • He has a scar cut through his eyebrow and slashed up his left (viewer's right) cheek. Though, the latter is generally covered up by an orange bandana.
  • They have gold sun earrings, as well as spurs in the same sun shape. A few other things on Santiago's outfit have the same mark — a sun badge pinned to their coat, cufflinks at the ends of their sleeves, and an emblem on his hat.
  • Santiago has a gun holster on their hip, usually filled with his revolver — a Colt Single Action six-shooter with a wooden handle and a metal body, with Pariah carved on the metal.
  • Overall, Santiago has dark, tanned skin on a toned, muscular build. His body is starred in freckles and battle scars. He has natural heterochromia, their right (viewer's left) eye being a darker brown than the other.

I used to flap my tongue like fists of flint against the granite fools

Until sparks blazed in my eyes, it’s true

But now I’m done with that, I haven’t

Torched the woods to kill one rabbit , not for years.


A BOUNTY HUNTER HANDLES DIRTY DEEDS, those pertaining to outlaws and cleaning up any messes they may have made when outrunning their crime. Many don't work for glory and even more don't work for free — Santiago falls into that category, working to clean up whoever he gets assigned if for the right price. They don't claim loyalty to one settlement or lawman, no, as they'll drift from place to place doing whatever for whoever, even if it means playing debt collector. Though, a bounty hunter always brings their prey back alive, and Santiago follows this code, only barring it for a bruise or two.


AS A MAN OF FEW WORDS, it takes a long while to make heads or tails of Santiago, who generally doesn't stick around much to make himself known. Though, on the little surface that can be chipped away at, he's read solely by the cold and brooding self he gives out. In the smaller times, the more sociable ones, Santiago's playfulness only comes out with sarcasm and with trickles of flirting. Though, above it all, any and all interactions seem formulaic, structured — Santiago bides by a strict moral code of do's and don't's, but what they are exactly doesn't come off as... clearly.

hometown tombstone, az
ethnicity latino
zodiac leo

trope man with no name
d.e. skill authority
animal coyote

voice claim cole cassidy
playlist ♪♫♪

fave food empanadas
fave drink whiskey

various trivia

  • santiago was inspired by my deep love for cowboys... oh how i love them so.
  • though, santiago wasn't originally made to be a duo partner to arcadia. after talking to frick about arcadia we loosely linked them together in their backstories.
  • coming off that point, santiago and arcadia as a dynamic are inspired by ashe and cassidy from overwatch.
  • santiago's gun was a custom gift made for him. it is engraved with pariah.
  • the discoloration in santiago's hair is natural, please just pretend that it can naturally look that way it's easier for the both of us.
  • glass bottles
  • lucky horseshoes
  • golden hour
  • line dances
  • dust clouds
  • slip knots
  • chewing tobacco
  • clementines
  • horse riding
  • bar fighting
  • guitar playing
  • "odd jobs"
