Hi! You can look at my TH!! I would love love a custom from you! Your custom designs are amazing!
NFTS are the ones in that folder though maybe on Kai, Velichor, or Zhao..!
And urr if you want, you can look here too though it's just mostly furries?? Some humans but eh @ZoinkDiddy!
Also have daint MYOs, both reg and CB!

Oops I meant Zoink_diddy


Thank you so much for reaching out and being interested in my custom designs! I haven't seen any character that caught by eye and I'm also currently not looking for any more myo slots, sorry!! But thank you for offering 💛

I'm willing to trade anyone here for any design by you, myo slots included, of my species or any other myo slots I have

I'm willing to trade multiple designs too, I'm also willing to redesign any of my characters as a sort of a partial custom, or even a full custom for a brand new design. I'm willing to add on art too (examples)


Thank you so much for offering, but I don't think there's anyone or any of the slots that caught my eye! I'm sorry I'm super picky these days ; o ;

Thats completely and entirely fair, the offer remains open if you ever change you mind ^^