! Ross



Shoulder Boulders S3RL
Moon Waltz Cojum Dip
Amnesia Was Her Name Lemon Demon
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Ross โ˜†ๅฝก

Real โ€ข Green โ€ข Bazinga


My main character out of all of them; my persona. He does have lore but most of the time he is in non-canon :D

Shares my interests and sense of humour, pretty much just me on a basic level ๐Ÿ”ฅ Also he is my go to for drawing and I'm trying my hardest to get him onto page 1 of image sort

What are we waiting on? A mini drives past, becomes a genie and grants us a wish?


GNC Trans Male
Epsilon & Hemo
Blood type
RH Null
True Neutral
Optimist Attitude
Right dominant hand
The Moon Tarot
Anima or Persona Archetype
The Eagle Spirit animal
Fantasy and Non-canon Setting


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Problem Solving
  • funny ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
  • Omnibenevolent
  • Neurodivergent
  • Perfectionist
  • Pulls too many guys
  • Understanding social cues
  • Tendancy to rant
  • Sometimes apathetic / egotistical


Food Carbohydrates โ€ผ๏ธ
Drink Vanilla Yazoo
Scent Petrol
Color Bluesteel or all of them
Flower Monotropa Uniflora
Season Winter
Time of day Dusk
Clothing item Hats of all kinds
Genre is it bad if i say romance (the fanfic type)
Music A lot (often hyperpop)


Quirks & habits

Has quite a lot; always has to wear socks, pinky finger often goes out when holding things, says things incorrectly (eg adding 'ed' suffixes onto words that dont (eg hammedburger)), no fucking spacial awareness, sweare word (dude this fucking car kicks fucking ass).

Communication skills

Ehhh,, really not good at communicating. Even just in regular conversation he struggles to get social cues and can accidentally push topics towards what he likes. Though, when it comes to indepth communicating with people he knows he can't do that either and will often ignore any issues he has with anyone.

Showing affection

Mostly shows affection through touch and what not, however due to past experiences he constantly refrains himself from touching anyone apart from anyone he is dating. For other people it is often shown through him feeling safe enough to share his interests with them.


  • Vehicles! Cars!!!1
  • Minecraft, Roblox
  • T...Tik..Tok ๐Ÿ™
  • His friends and partners
  • Looking cewl
  • Cats of all kinds


  • (Lore) Three
  • People asking him wayy too many questions
  • Overstimulation
  • Not matching his standards for himself
  • Cringe Culture
  • Americans (ironic as he is dating one)


  • Spheksophobia
  • Death
  • Time
  • Losing/hurting the people he loves
  • Failure
  • (Lore) His synthesis ability


  • Car spotting
  • Collecting car stuff (eg. number plates)
  • Watching YT/tiktok
  • Games (board, card and computer)
  • Clothes shopping
  • Managing Sonaplaza

Design notes

  • !Important! Has no strict colors, his main design feature is that you can change his colors to whatever! Go wild! (Excludes drastic skin tone changes (im white))
  • Same principal for his general design and outfits! Put him in whatever outfit you want and feel free to adjust his hair/features to match your style!
  • Has no ears, like the ear that is on the outside, still has ear canals and all the inside stuff though.
  • Opt. Can be drawn with any size of chest
  • Prefers feminine clothes and things, hates gender stereotypes.
designer: Enixma
worth: ยฃ a millyion quid


Often blue #00AAC2


Often green #27DB71
More green #B2EF50


'White' #FFDCB3


More green #68E462
Bluesteel #3C7FA3
Heres purple #D95BEA

(Lore) Pre-Memory Loss

  • - Three, the universe and Ross' origin
  • - Ross' early life and VDT, plus the Black Hole event
  • - Hemo almost dies, 3J arc and Ross gets lobotomized

The universe Ross lives in consists of the solar system and 10 celestial gods that rule over each planet. However, this system is encased in its own atmosphere and there are millions of copies of it, creating other worlds of the same planets. The God that ruled Earth was called Three and was an outcast among the gods for being an egomaniac, however he did something to his planet that enabled it to develop life. He would always brag to the other Gods that his planet was the only one with life, though after a while he decided he wanted to see the life upclose so he did what Gods arent supposed to do and synthesised a being to live on the planet. They werent perfect, due to 3 having never made a person before and they had many flaws, such as lacking all antigens in their blood, but they were still alive. 3 just watched him at first as he called himself Ross and began to live his life, however 3 and Ross shared a headspace so they could communicate and 3 could see through Ross' eyes. Due to being a creation of Earth's god Ross shared his powers, which are blue in colour and also limitless in power, yet to fully utilise them Ross would have to learn them. With the help of 3 he managed to partially use his synthesis powers at a very basic level. At this point he was still very naรฏve and just followed 3s wishes, which included making portals to other dimension versions of Earth and causing mess in all of them. Since no one else even knew the multiverse existed, Ross could do whatever and not be followed back to his version of Earth. One day, he ended up in a dimension which was similar to Earth in the way society worked, but everyone was instead objects - and when he went into this dimension he too became his object form.

3 showed an interest in this dimension and controlled Ross for a bit, synthesising a massive light blue cube in the sky and teleporting a few objects up onto it. They were all confused until Ross showed up and made them compete in his object show, VDT (search them if u dk what they are). After the first challenge Hemo was made co-host and soon after him and Ross started dating. However, Three started controlling Ross more and more over time which resulted in a lot of arguments, especially between him and Hemo as he thought he was being awful to the contestants. Eventually one night Ross just decided to ignore all of this and he left that universe, going back to his Earth. For two years Ross left Hemo and all the other contestants of VDT alone on that cube in the sky while he just lived his usual life back in his home universe, albeit feeling very sad and guilty the whole time. Eventually, Three convinced him to go back to the object universe and destroy it so he wouldn't feel bad anymore, Ross didn't want to as he still loved Hemo but he didn't really have a choice. One day he opened a portal and went back into the object universe, at this point a few of the contestants had died or had given up on escaping the cube, however Hemo hadn't. He had walked all the way and found the edge of the cube, and that was when Ross came back through a portal. At first Ross tried to sort it out by reasoning with Hemo, but Hemo was angry at him for just abandoning him and the others for 2 whole years, then Three decided to stop this and so he fully took control of Ross, using the full extent of his powers he shot two beams through the planet, fracturing it into pieces. This ended up in the whole planet exploding, killing all 8 billion inhabitants of it, this was known to Ross as the Black Hole event. However, before it exploded, Ross passed out from exhaustion and he and Hemo fell into of of the cracks and into a portal that was formed at the core of the planet. This transported them back to Ross' universe.

The two were sent into Ross' house, both unconscious from falling through an entire planet and being projectile launched into another dimension which changed their forms. Ross woke up first and felt awful, he didn't want any of that to happen and now he had killed billions of people. He put Hemo in his bed to recover and sat at his desk, contemplating what he should do. Hemo woke up and immediately freaked out because he was now human, due to being an object his whole life and not even knowing what a human was this was mental for him. Ross tried to console him but he got angry and scared and ran out of the house. Ross was really worried for Hemo as there was repurcussions of him changing universe. All the universes are linked and each being on one universe is soul-linked to one on another universe, meaning that if one dies they die on all universes to keep it balanced. Ross doesn't have any soul-links due to not being born naturally, and the Black Hole event didn't kill people in other universes as it was a dimension-specific event. But Hemo had a soul-link with one random person on Earth and now that they were in the same universe, who knows what would happen if one died. After this Ross became depressed and didn't want to do anything Three wanted anymore so Three started to fully control him more often.

Meanwhile, Hemo also grew depressed, he was in a whole new universe and had a new body, when before this he didn't even know other universes existed. And now he had to live amongst people he didn't know and had to bear the fact that every single person he once knew was now dead. In the next few months Hemo started living on the streets due to not having a home, and he couldn't even get a job due to having no documents here. He talked to people also on the streets, developed a fashion sense (emo/goth) and managed to somehow get himself a car (a ford ka). Yet that didn't stop him from being miserable. During these months Ross would barely be in control of his own body, instead Three was. Three tried to make Ross a kitsune mask to wear, but due to being so physically far away from Earth he couldn't get the details in so it didn't look like one at all, though he did infuse it with his magic so it could change expressions freely. With this mask Ross (Three) became a locally famous DJ and also became an alcoholic for red wine.

One day Hemo decided he was done with this and he drove his ford ka near to a bridge in the city and got out, walking along the bridge and standing on the edge while cars drove past, ignoring him. He eventually goes ahead and decides to jump, though as he does Ross was nearby and spotted this, running over. Ross was so emotional watching his past-bf try to end his life that he managed to use his powers himself and pulled Hemo up back onto the bridge. After the shock of all of that settled Hemo looked up and tried to see Ross but he was nowhere to be found. After this he decided that he now had a purpose in life and that was to put an end to Ross' destructive actions. Over a couple months he started putting together a journal about all the info he could remember/find about Ross, including his current hobby as a DJ. One day he went to one of Ross (Three)'s concerts and watched from the back, instantly recognising the way he acted as the same as how he did when the Black Hole event happened. Though before he could speak to Ross he left the venue and was out of sight.

After this show Ross had gotten fed up with Three and had decided to have a surgery to remove his memories of him so that Three could no longer enter his headspace. However, the only people who would do this were some dodgy back-alley people and so Ross paid them to do it anyway. He gave the DJ mask to a charity shop, and walked ages to the place for the surgery. However, they messed up the surgery (which was very similar to a lobotomy) and instead of only removing his memories of Three, practically all his memories were wiped. Yet they were paid and Ross didn't die so the people who did it were fine and just let him leave afterwards. Though luckily for Ross, despite now being a shell of who he once was with no memories, Three couldn't access his headspace and he also wasn't extremely depressed anymore.

(Lore) Post-Memory Loss

  • - Hemo and Ross become friends again, Ross dates Epsie
  • - Epsie becomes famous, Hemo plots against Ross
  • - Three creates Geno, Geno and Hemo team up against Ross

The news about the city-famous DJ randomly disappearing spread and Hemo heard about it, trying to plan his next action when one day, walking down the street he saw Ross. He confronted him and began to get angry at him, however Ross, due to having his memories wiped, had no idea who he was. Hemo thought he was just lying and in his anger pushed Ross against the wall, demanding him for answers but he never gave any. He was about to start hurting him when realisation hit him and he felt awful, backing up and staring at Ross, noticing a lot less blue in his eyes. Ross, being the optimist he now was asked him if he wanted to be friends, this hurt Hemo as he still deep down felt something for Ross but just agreed nonetheless. Ross gave Hemo a phone as he didn't have one and they exchanged numbers. Not long after Epsilon, a guy who was struggling for money and trying to start a streaming career found the mask that Ross gave to a charity shop and instantly fell in love with it. He bought it and realised it also changed to his emotions, this was great as due to being a strange dark-matter being and having no face, he could now show emotions. This let him kickstart his streaming career as people found it unique and were drawn to him.

One day, Ross was on a chat forum for a game he liked and began talking to Epsilon, they immediately hit it off and also realised they lived in the same city. They began hanging out in person and one day while at a park, Hemo saw them and was immediately jealous as, even though they were now friends, Ross wasn't that close to him. Hemo went online and also found Epsilon's accounts, realsing he was a decently popular streamer. Though a few weeks later Epsie posted something that broke Hemo's heart, an announcement that stated him and Ross were now dating and moving in together. Hemo felt a kind of betrayal and his and Ross' relationship never officially ended and he still had feelings for him, yet Ross didn't even know him. Hemo decided to try and become closer friends with Ross, mainly just to see how much information he could get from him to eventually use it against him and get his revenge.

All 3 now lived a somewhat consistent life, Ross being himself and happy with Epsie, who's streaming career was now getting really popular, while Hemo still plotted one of those large cork boards of information against Ross. Also Hemo got a flat yay. However, Three was annoyed that Ross had managed to chuck him out and he was now just back to being a spectator of Earth. This compelled him to create another vessel to use to traverse Earth, however this time he would make them better and without any of the mistakes he made when making Ross.

So Three synthesised a new person, this time a cis male so they would be stronger (as he didn't know the gender differences before) and he modified their appearance to suit what he wanted, making them similar to Ross but more intimidating and blue. He makes many changes to help with battle (more muscular, shorter hair etc.). One of the first things he did was go into their headspace and kill the person's conscience, meaning he was the only one in control of them. Doing this resulted in a blast of power in the guy's left eye (as that is the eye which the conscious person sees through), this gave them a scar and blinded that eye. (This is also why Ross is pretty blind in his right eye). He named them Geno (so basically Geno is the same guy as Three but just physically on the human Earth). Geno was not as reserved as Ross with his powers, and due to being 100% Three he had full control over all the blue powers, including synthesis. Geno was a full on maniac and went around killing anyone and anything, due to Three not being human he didn't feel sympathy or any human emotion. Geno would half-synthesize various blue weapons out of the blue particles and use them to kill anyone that got in his way or tried to stop him. Even the police stood no chance against him as he was literally just god on Earth.

Due to being created in Scotland, it took Geno ages to get to the English city Ross lived in but eventually he did. One time he was killing some police with his blue synthesis powers when Hemo witnessed it, immediately recognising the powers as what Ross used to have. At first, Geno didn't recognise Hemo and was about to kill him for being a witness, pinning him against the wall with a blue spike when Three recognised him. Geno asked him if he knew where Ross was and they learnt they had something in common; a distain towards Ross. They teamed up together with one goal, to get revenge against Ross.

However, Hemo wasn't told the truth, Geno told him that he was Ross' brother (this is actually not a lie as since Three created them in the same way they share very similar DNA and are actually related) and that Ross had wronged him. Hemo was never told the full details but he just assumed that Ross had also betrayed him in some way, when actually Geno was the evil one and the one who caused Ross to do all the bad things that Hemo hated him for. Hemo lets Geno live in his flat with him as he had nowhere else to go.

The first time Geno met with Ross was one random day when he saw Ross walking through a park. He went up to Ross and stopped him, Ross was confused as he had never met the guy before, but before he got answers Geno shot up a dozen blue spikes that stabbed Ross in many areas. After saying a couple words to Ross, Geno retracted the spikes and left Ross in the corner of the park, bleeding out on the floor. However, Ross didn't die because at the end of the day he was still a pseudo-god and each one of his cells had the blue power within them so slowly they duplicated and regenerated any parts of his body or blood that were damaged.

Over the next few months, Geno would attack Ross whenever he was alone, and each time Ross would never do anything because he was scared of Geno and the whole blue powers of them both freaked him out. Geno didn't have an exact reason for doing this, it was mainly because Three loved to be destructive and he could do it to Ross as many times as he wanted. Meanwhile, Hemo didn't know Geno was doing any of this, he still thought they were planning a different way to get revenge on him that didn't involve mutiliating him.

One of these times, Hemo happened to witness it and was horrified at watching it happen, especially because he didn't know Ross would be okay, Geno didn't intend for Hemo to ever see this so he shot a spike up through one of his hands which lifted him up into the air. He forced Hemo to swear to never tell anyone and told him that if he ever tried to go against him he would kill him. Hemo ended up fainting (probably from blood loss) and Geno took him to the hospital. While the doctors were treating him they realised that the edges of the hole through his hand were already sealed up and had formed new skin (this was because the blue power has small enzymes in it that heal all organic material) so they determined that they didn't actually need to do anything apart from giving Hemo a bit of blood to replace what he lost. This blood was actually given by Ross as he had RH-null blood and could replace any of his easily.

After this had happened to Hemo, Ross decided he wouldn't stand for what Three was doing anymore and, despite not wanting to, he tried to practice using his own blue powers. They scared him a lot but slowly over time he managed to practice using them on a very minimum level, not enough to fully synthesize or do the fancy sword fighting Geno does though. Hemo still kind of doesn't like Ross because at the end of the day he was why his life got like this but he speaks to him and Ross tells him all he knows about the blue power (which isn't alot bc he can't remember) and Hemo goes back to Geno and demands answers.

Geno tells him about the existence of god (Three) and how he is pretty much just the better version of Ross, and what Ross could've been if he wasn't busy being conscious. Hemo tries telling him that repetedly hurting Ross for no reason won't help anything but Geno/Three is physically incapable of feeling empathy so he doesn't care. Hemo tries to research all over the internet to see if anyone knew anything about Three or the powers but he couldn't find anything. Meanwhile, Four, the God of Mars, was growing more and more angry with Three's behaviour. At this point Three was so obsessed with having power over his planet and other living things that he would barely interact with the other God's and if he did he would just brag. Due to his nature, Zero (the god of the Sun, also the most powerful God who kind of has power over them all), didn't want to do anything to stop Three as even though he disliked it, it was just fate.

Four develops a plan and tells Three what he wants to see his planet and 'how great he is' (he was lying and just wanted Three to trust him). Three, being the egomaniac he is, lets him as he just assumes Four is so envious of him. However, Four does this to secretly interact with the Earth to find a way to stop Geno. After watching for a bit he finds Hemo and learns about him and sees how he is trying to research Three. Four enters his headspace and blesses him with his own powers, which are almost identical to Three's except they are red in color. Four appears to Hemo in a dream where he tells him all about Three and teaches him how to use these powers. He doesn't talk to Hemo again or control him but he does stay in his headspace.

Hemo quickly learns how to control his red powers due to being taught it and Four being present in his headspace. He goes to Ross who doesn't understand why or how he has them but he is glad as Hemo seems to be a lot better at controlling them already. They do a few test fights and Hemo develops his fighting tactics, one of which being synthesising arrows on his arm and using the hole in his hand to aim them. However, over time Hemo ends up going more and more manic as the power gets to his head.

Geno didn't know about Hemo gaining four's powers and the next time he find Ross he attempts to attack him again but Hemo comes out and fights back and they fight, either getting hurt but eventually Geno deciding to retreat. Beating Geno gave Hemo even more confidence in himself and he was growing very unstable, something Ross was beginning to notice. They spent the next few months together, Hemo decided to dress more openly emo/goth and was being very protective over Ross and Ross having an awful feeling that he was missing something. Every so often Geno would come and Hemo would fight him and 'win' each time.

However, one day after fighting Geno, Hemo's right eye remained red (usually it only stays red when he uses his powers) and a crack split open from under his eye. it was more of a crack than a cut and it glowed the same red as his eye. Slowly, the crack started expanding and more appeared over his face and body. He ignored them and assumed it was him getting more powerful or something until one day when training with Ross a stray blue particle hit him in the face and practically completely shattered the right half of his face, nothing but a glowing red mass remaining. He was unconscious for a couple days and Ross felt awful for him, but he couldn't tell him to stop as he was too unstable and obsessed with the power.

Around a week or so later, when Geno next attacked, Hemo started to fight back at first, though he was clearly more out of tune than usual and Ross told him to let him fight instead. But Hemo ignored him and was insistent that he had to protect him, however Geno chose a different tactic to fighting than usual. He shot up a spike from the ground which went right through Hemo's chest. Ross was horrified watching this, but Hemo assumed he would be okay as he thought he also had the healing side of the powers. However, Geno briefly explained that because his flesh wasn't made by a god it didn't have the healing enzymes in it needed to regen. Hemo felt his consciousness fading and looked back at Ross, saying 'i love you' (or some other angst shit) before dying. (poor guy he was such a tragic character ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” (no i cant take anything seriously))

Ross is like oh noo my friend (still friendzoning him on his deathbed) and is all sad and Geno is like yeah whatever lolll i killed him or something i don't know that was as far as ive got in the lore so far :3c

Also btw if you're wondering about Epsie, he was just streaming the whole time and saying 'hey gets welcome back to another lets play thanks for the subs' daily

Non-Canon (Sonaplaza)

  • - The big mall that is basically the non-canon for my OCs
  • - Every single OC of mine (and friends') is there
  • - Ross is the manager

Sonaplaza doesn't have any set rules or story because at the end of the day it is just my fancy way of saying non-canon. Character relationships and personalities are often different here, basically like i said, its not canon to their stories. The way Sonaplaza works is that it's a massive, multi-levelled mall that all of my sonas can enter. Characters get different passes ranging from no pass (eg. not/never a sona) all the way up to a level 10 pass (just Ross). A character's pass determines what areas/levels of sonaplaza they can access, people with no pass can only look around the first floor (unless someone with a pass gives them one or they get permission). The way the mall half of it works is that each sona can make a different shop/building in it depending on what pass they have. (eg. Kabuki with a level 2 pass has a clothing store.

Below is each pass and how a character gets it:
                            - Level 10: Me (Ross)
                            - Level 9: Main Personas / Truesonas
                            - Level 8: Ross forms
                            - Level 7: Smaller, more specific sonas
                            - Level 6: One off / fandom sonas
                            - Level 5: Sona forms
                            - Level 4: Pseudo-sonas
                            - Level 3: Retired truesonas
                            - Level 2: Retired mainer sonas
                            - Level 1: Retired sonas

Now how is this important enough to be in Ross' profile you ask? Well he is one of two people with a level 10 pass in sonaplaza (the other being three because he created the place and used to be a sona). In sonaplaza he has his own floor at the very top which anyone with a pass is allowed to access (but only chars with 6 or above can interact). There isn't much on this floor apart from cars, planes and more cars.

His relationships differ a bit in sonaplaza too, for starters him and Hemo are happily dating and love each other very much xx He also has another boyfriend lmaoo (Mica, sometimes). He is friends with like, everyone, and when he walks anywhere its like those cartoons where hes walking and everyone is like 'hello ross!' and asks him about something iykwim. Also him and Geno are regular brothers and Ross has the same control over the blue here as Geno does (sometimes they battle for funsies and people watch).


Attack Defence Speed Protection Magic Support


  • Large groups of enemies
  • Can let guard down (esp. if winning)
  • Fire
  • Half blind in one eye
  • Hair can block vision
Tactic Stealth
Attitude Positive
Distance Mid-Long
Weapon Scythes+Guns

Skills & abilities




- The stats shown here are for him in canon. - Before his memory loss Ross had a much better mastery of his synthesis and blue powers in general, but after losing all memory of it and any guidance from Three it was very hard for him to use. After Hemo was attacked by Geno he tried to practice these skills again and could use them to some extent, barely even able to perform half-synthesis.

In general, synthesis allows the user to generate any object they can think about, often being perfect replicas if they have mastered it enough. There is another form of it called half-synthesis where they just concentrate the power particles to form a floating weapon of their power's color.




- The stats shown here are for him in canon. - Due to being a creation of a god, Ross has the regen half of the color powers. They don't require any knowledge to learn as they come from the user's body structure. Ross' regeneration means that if he gets any major wounds, the flesh will just reform and any blood he lost will be regained.

This works as people who are god creations have unique enzymes and embryonic stem cells all throughout their body. This means that if they need a lot more new cells or something needs healing their body can quickly regen it all.

โ€ข Ex & Friend [lore] - Boyfriend [non-canon] โ€ข

[Lore] A more in depth look into their relationship is in Ross' story section (as their relationship is complicated) but basically they used to date and were really close and both actually loved each other a whole lot, feeling like their found their other half. However, after Ross loses his memories he friendzones Hemo all the way until he dies.

[Non-canon] More casual boyfriends but they love each other a lot. Their way of showing affection is by being rude and dismissive to each other (because they're weird like that). Though they do often like to just cuddle and watch YT together (probably sidemen and beta squad lawl). Despite their seemingly rocky relationship the two do really love each other deep down. Yes Hemo has red powers in non-canon.

โ€ข Boyfriend โ€ข

[Lore] These two met on a chat forum and quickly became boyfriends. When Ross wasn't out getting killed or watching his ex get killed he would often find solace in relaxing at home with Epsie. Throughout everything they happened in Ross lore Epsie was always there to comfort him when he got home.

[Non-canon] Chaotic fucks, they get so loud together when they hang out, Ross truly does bring the extrovert in Epsie out. Ross often makes cameos on Epsie's streams and will sometimes even play games with him on stream. If he isn't actively participating he can sometimes be seen in the background doing whatever (usually sleeping or giggling at edits (iykyk)).

โ€ข Brothers [creator] โ€ข

[Lore] If you read the story you'll know it is not good. Geno is literally just Three and Three hates Ross for not wanting to be evil? Geno [3] is just a chaotic evil apathetic psycho so uh yeah. They do nawt like each other at all (not that Ross knows who he is x)

[Non-canon] Yeah, they're okay. They have a classic sibling rivalry and don't actually hate each other whoopie! They'll often have fights just for fun and people from sonaplaza will watch as its cool to see a bunch of blue lights and explosions.
