Akemi Niwa



8 years, 8 months ago


From Puppy Love by Jessica Stewart

Akemi Niwa is your normal girl who was blessed with beautiful features. She has deep sea green eyes and long multi-colored hair. This never helped her in school though. She could never make friends and the girls were mean to her because the they didn't like that Akemi got all the attention. She never asked for it though. She's a very shy girl and keeps to herself, but she does her best to stay strong every day. She lives with both of her parents. They just moved to a new area due to work relocation. Her mother is a home maker and her dad is a businessman.

Today is Akemi's first day at Anima High and is determined to make friends this time. As she was walking across the street, a cat walked up to her. It's unusual to see a regular cat so she stopped to pet it. Suddenly she hears someone yelling. It scares her and she's afraid to turn and look. Then out of no where she's being grabbed around the waist and flying through the air. She hears a loud noise like the sounds of an engine, then hits the ground. She thinks to herself, " What just happened? What's going on?" Akemi starts to hear a muffled voice. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" A strange boy with reddish hair and puppy dog ears asked while atop of her. Akemi can't speak and flushes with embarrassment. To her surprise, the mysterious boy turns beet red too. Who is this weird boy and where did he come from?