Juliet the Puppy



1 year, 6 months ago



Called Juliet, Jyuls(by Aires)

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age Initially 17, but currently 20(as of date)

Specie Dog


Role Team Justice member, missionary

Sexuality Biromantic Demisexual

Birthday January 24

Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Alignment Neutral Good

Theme Jo Yuri- Story of Us

HTML Pinky


Once was a normal pup, now she's living a dreaming she's been wishing for, to venture the great big world and make a story worth remembering. Juliet is a normal dog who recently just move to the more urban area with her dad. And then one day, after a couple of badniks brought disturbance to the peace of a city park, she met Aires. Who at first she taught was a stalker but just someone who wants to be friends with her. And that friendship gradually grew to a greater bond. Aires showed her a world she has only read through books. Now, she has the chance to live those stories herself.

But having an extraordinary story isn't easy to get through. She has to become brave and capable in order to come out alive. So she's trying her very best to grow. To learn. To become strong. To catch up to Aires and protect her, the person who showed this path that she have been waiting for.


Height 103cm(3'4) (163cm(5'4) in human ver.)

Build Average

Eyes Sky Blue

Fur Color Peach

Hair Style Long

Demeanor polite and modest


  • She has an ahoge on top of her head. The top of her head without it is like two bumps
  • Most of her bangs sweeps to her left side, tucked in(most of the time) while the ones on the right swoop a little upwards
  • Her hair extends down till the middle of her torso
  • Her front/side hairs are always a little curly
  • Her ears are heart shaped
  • She has a thick pair of glasses (same color as her eyes, 45% opacity)
  • The shoulder design of her sweater is different in each side. Her right having a pointed shoulder while on her left is a hanging hole, exposing her shoulder. The sleeves are poofy with thumb hole hand sleeves
  • Her skirt is actually a dress under
  • Her orange scarf wraps around her waist, under her tail
  • She has a peach pin attached on her scarf
  • She has buckles on her shoes(not gold)
  • She keeps her collar(gifted by Aires) under her left sleeve
  • In her human version, she has rounded eyes


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Juliet is a polite, pure and innocent pup. With a knack of reading stories and books. And because of that habit, she's quite smart and reliable but very much an introvert. She can come off as shy and sometimes clumsy. She likes spending time by herself, doing her hobbies or learning new interest. But when you're really close to her, and she's comfortable with you, that pure and sophisticated pup can be a friend full of surprises.

She can be energetic, playful, and can bicker with you non-stop. She doesn't like accepting defeat from affections either so sometimes she can come off as a tsundere. She can both love and hate(love). She's also a true INFJ. Her soft and kind side can emphasize with other people. She can read people pretty easily. She's reliable when it comes to comfort, but she still requires comfort back to feel stable as she too is sensitive. She seems like a soft pup but she can have strong opinions and blunt words that she isn't afraid to tell. She's also highly curious and observant yet she won't say anything unless it's necessary for her to ask or assume. Lastly she's also dedicated and full of determination, once she vows on a goal or a promise she'll do it like her life depends on it.

Juliet is a blank slate, always shown with many colors each day. She is a pup full of many sides, both soft and hard, dull and sharp. Making her a more loveable pup.



She can show her full self with her with no worries. Reciprocating each other's love and affection. One might say she's too attached to Aires. But sometimes, she hides the love for whatever Aires does, seeming like she hates it or she's displeased but in reality she's falling for it. A pup who won't admit defeat. These two are always seen together.

Shine Muscats

Despite being a dog, muscats are somehow an exception. It's her favorite fruit


Her doggy side is not really hidden. Even a well-mannered puppy like her could still have a favorite toy to prefer to play


Growing up she learned how to play piano and even till now she still plays it, visiting the village she once lived and playing the piano where she used to learn it that's now an antique shop.


Her favorite past time of all is reading books, specifically romantic and fantasy novels.


With the hidden love of exploring the world, her wish finally came true when she met Aires. And despite the difficulties and dangers of the job she still welcomes it with a fresh new beginning each day. Like a new chapter in her story.



Out of all the things she have faced, she's still scared of ghost. With high senses, she's afraid one might lurk behind her just by hearing something.


For some reason, she doesn't like squirrels. It is a dog thing but there is another reason.

The feeling of being "useless"

Being called as an "accessory" or a "burden", it pains her alot to hear those, especially in the beginning. That's why she's trying her best to train and improve. To show that she's capable and more.

Seeing Aires hurt

Whether mentally or physically she doesn't like seeing her partner struggle, making her want to protect Aires more.

Lies and Deciet

She hates it when she feels frustrated or confused. She doesn't like being toyed around or acting as a fool.


  • She can't eat chocolate. Not because she hates it but it's bad for dogs.
  • She has a weak spot on her neck (for scrubies) (no seriously, it weakens her)
  • Her peach pin is a convertable staff. With a twist it will extend, and if she twist it in the middle of the stick it can be split into two. It was made and given by Furr.
  • She has an aggressive side called the "Fang State". It triggers whenever she's in extreme anger or when she sees her loved ones hurt, but now she can activate it at will.
  • The Fangs State enhances her senses and stamina. She can see clearly in this state. It will also change some of her appearance. Making her fur more poofy and messy, nails and teeth sharpens and her eyes changes.
  • She's isn't too tolerable to the cold, making her want to be as close to Aires as much as possible, especially in cold areas.
  • She can wear eye contacts. But without them or her glasses everything is a blur to her.
  • She only shows her puppy self to someone she's comfortable with. Being playful and often act like a dog.
  • Whenever she gets flustered or confused of what she's feeling, she thinks and say that she's a "fool"
  • As an introvert, she requires time to rest and be alone for a while.
  • When Aires faints and she has nothing much to do but wait for her to wake up, she slides under her arms and stay close to her until she's fully conscious
  • She's a nature lover. And because of that she has a special spot in a forest that she still comes back to and relax.
  • She has a dog collar gifted by Aires as a christmas present. Ever since then she wears it all the time, either on her neck or on her left wrist
  • Before she used to be afraid all the time but now she can be tough when neccessary
  • She's sincere and thoughtful but a bit of her perfectionist can give her a hard time to convey.
  • She sometimes gets distracted with her own thoughts.
  • The only dog trait that she's shy about is that she likes dog treats.
  • She has nightmare disorder. This can happen consecutively when she's worried, or if her head is full of negative thoughts

More about her Story

She used to live in a small village with her dad near Willow Forest. They lived a peaceful life there. Juliet even went to school for a short time and learned how to play piano. But then one day, her father had a new job away from the village so they moved to the big city called High Soul City, and lived in a neighborhood just south of the city. Nothing changed much in the mood rather than the more industrial atmosphere than being outside with nature. Juliet is no stranger with the city life, it's just a little crowded for her. It took her a while to know the place and eventually have a routine. Her dad is always out at work so she needed something to keep her entertained. Whether it be just in her room or in the city, discovering what it has to offer.

7 months have passed and she's slowly missing her old home. Despite the city's luxury and having more recent and popular books to read she's beginning to have a sense of boredom in her life. Something she didn't know she would have. She could try to socialize with people but being shy and timid, and the people around the city moves in a much quicker pace than she's used to, she just blended in with the crowd.


The first meeting

One day she thought of having a relaxing walk in the city's park. Then she noticed the people running, moving pass her, and the sound of crashes in the distance. It made her nervous so she run away too. But it wasn't easy to get out of the park. There were badniks everywhere and she didn't want a single one to spot her, so she hid around the trees, sneak pass them when they weren't looking, just to avoid thier vision. She run but suddenly trips, dropping her glasses. She patted the grass to find it but she suddenly bump on someone. She apologizes. This stranger said she found her glasses and handed it to her, and that's where she met a red-headed, lilac panda, Aires. After that they went their seperate ways, but it didn't took long for them to meet up again. Starting from that day, Aires kept following her to the point that she becomes skeptical, accusing Aires as a stalker. But then she realizes that she only wants to be friends with her, but don't know how to do it properly, just like her. So she accepts her friendship and from then on they were always together.

The Adventure

When Aires showed her what her career is she was more eager to hang out with her, even to the point of going with her illegaly. It was full of excitement, new discovery and also terror and near death experiences, but that only made Juliet even more exstatic to follow Aires. She eventually offers Juliet to join her in a guild, Team Justice, and she happily accepts, though without the plan of telling her dad at first, since it might worry him to work in a dangerous field of work. But he eventually accepts this and lets her do it as long as she's careful.

She and Aires always takes on new missions new missions everyday, hangs out everyday, they're always together. And that sparked something in Juliet. Something she didn't expect coming from Aires. She sparked feelings for her. Ever since that one time she protected her against a group of tugs, she begins to notice more about Aires. Her demeanor,her actions, her kindness for her, the way she treats her, it's starting to hit her. Even her captivating eyes makes her blush than she's used to. From then on, she began to pay more attention to her, be curious about her. But that's where she notices something off about Aires. Something a courageous person wouldn't have. Or atleast, show, that she didn't expect. These missions doesn't leave them uninjured. She always sees Aires fighting on her own and also protecting her. She's thankful that Aires is around but this made her concern, worried about her. Aires wants to show her strong self but she can always fall, and even feel lost. Feel like a failure. Eventhough she can help with technical problems and support, Juliet can't fight, leaving Aires to fight by herself, for both of their own sake. This made her feel useless, a burden, she didn't want to see her friend break each time while she protects her. Eventhough that Aires tells her that she likes her company , she was no help on their job at all. So that's where she decided to train, and protect Aires back. Pay back all she has given her.


The Training

For someone who's new to training, it was really tough for her at first. Eventually she gets the hang of it. This made her feel more brave. Now that she have learned many things, she's ready to step in the battlefield. Eventhough she's not fully skilled yet, she gradually grows more eager to fight. With her wits she can use anything to her advantage. And it didn't took a while to obtain her own weapon, the Peach Staff, and learn bojutsu. She became more involved in the action but it also made her more prone to getting hurt. Even with a new determined face she's can still be a scared pup. But despite all the falls, she's gradually growing and growing to become stronger. Protecting and catching up to her partner.


The Fangs State

But when they first encountered a shadow squirrel, this changed her life completely. By saying the things she hated to hear, who she never wants to be, it pushed out something in her. A new side of her that's terrifying. That she never expected nor wanted to have. Fangs. After it she became scared again, but for a different reason. She wanted to be strong and powerful, but not to the point that she could harm someone, kill someone. This dragged her back to stage one. But even with the terror she has to herself, the lost of control, the fear of being a danger to anyone, Aires didn't leave her to feel it alone as she too used to be like that. So now, Aires is doing whatever she can to help her. Guide her through this darkness and back to the light.

They went on an expidition for a few months. With the same reason as when Aires went on an expedition when she was 14, Juliet was ever so ready to conquer this new side of hers. During the expedition they became more closer as well. Now that they're alike with their conditions, they feel more like they become one. By learning how to control her Fangs State, Juliet is slowly getting a hold of it, eventually to the point where she can control herself in that state and eventually activate it at will.

Once was curse she was afraid of, now it's a curse that she can use. Eventhough it's dangerous, she isn't afraid of it no more. Making her grow more to her goal of becoming stronger.





Aires the Panda


Juliet's soulmate. She's very loyal to her and still curious about her. Each day she learns more about Aires making her fall deeper and deeper into her world. It's unexpected of her to end up like this, growing up reading romantic novels and having crushes on boys, but destiny has other plans.


Alan Miles the Dog


Her father. Though he can be strict at times, it's all for protecting her. He was worried at first when Juliet started following Aires but now he's proud of how far she has come and grew.


Nevada the Siberian Husky


They have alot of things in common, being the smarties in the group and both dogs. They bond well with each other but sometimes still bicker about the tiniest things. Both are clumsy and introverted doggos but still the most reliable when it comes to informations and facts.


Daniel the Lynx


Partnering with Aires, she trust Daniel as a reliable leader. Giving advise, especially in her training. Though they don't have anything in common he treats him exactly like Aires, but more gentle.


Demian the Hedgehog


Though being just co-workers, Juliet would grow more sympathy and trust towards Demian knowing his feelings for her partner and how they can both relate and talk about that. She's relieved that he's not fighting for Aires but at the same time pity him that he doesn't.