Lesley Bittersweet



1 year, 5 months ago



Lesley Bittersweet

"Bowtie""Fancy Pants""Les"


Les is your average man of the 1930's-- he is a candy man, a chemist, and a drug dealer. He used his family's candy shop as a front for selling illegal substances. This foolish decision sparked the swift downward spiral of his life.

One day he unknowingly created a bad batch of drugs, which poisoned and killed 15 members of the prolific Malevolent Gang. The gang aimed to exact their revenge-- but ended up killing Les' identical twin brother, Wesley, by mistake. Lesley, driven mad by his brother's death, kept Wesley's body hidden and preserved in a gelatin-based preservative in the candy shop basement. He told folks he and his brother were "traveling the world" and closed up shop. He set out to New York to kill his brother's murderers, and to seek out the knowledge of bringing the dead back to life.

Along the way, Les made some friends (for the first time in his life.) He met Johnny Killjoy, a cocky 35-year-old jazz musician with a drinking problem and a big mouth. He also met Roy Williams, a 47-year-old hard-boiled police detective looking to solve the case of the Bedside Killer: a serial murderer who has been plaguing the country for decades, and whose calling card is taking specific parts of his victims with him...

Lesley eventually met the Bedside Killer-- he turned out to be a brilliantly intelligent, if not irritable man named Victor, whose goal was to use the body parts he stole from his victims to recreate his long-dead family members. He and Victor struck up a deal- Victor would bring Wesley back to life, if Lesley would deliver Johnny to Victor. Les accepted, and Wesley was brought back from the dead, and brought back into this mess.

Lesley's main concern now is protecting his Frankenstein'd brother-- even if it comes at the cost of his best friend's head. Will he go through with the deal, or will he take the coward's way out?

Fun Facts

  • Hates the taste of anything sweet...prefers bitter tastes.
  • His identical twin brother, Wesley, is the most important person in the world to him...but he's secretly salty that Wes got the "better name"
  • Favorite color is gray
  • Stole his voice from a magician

  • Lost his right arm to chemical burns. His brother crafted him a wooden prosthetic.
  • Eye of Odin character: Edges: Chemist (Homebrew), Healer. Hinderances: Deathwish, One Arm
  • (Pic on the left is a photo I traced of Douglas Fairbanks)