1$'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

general rules
1. do not sell my character for more than they were bought for unless they come with extra art.
2. let me know where my designs go; i want to know if theyre sold/gifted/traded.
3. please refrain from changing the everything about the design (minor redesigns, color changes, etc. are fine).
4. you do not have to credit me for the design every time you draw it (such as on other sites - deviantart, tumblr, etc.), but i would prefer having my username somewhere with the character (toyhouse, references, etc.)
5. this isn't necessarily a rule, but more of a preference - id really prefer having my designs drawn at least once before they are sold / traded (gifting is fine).
6. my designs are allowed to be freely sold, traded, etc., but please do not automatically sell / trade (gifting is fine) them after receiving them.
7. you cannot use your own t.o.s. on my designs.
8. if you cannot remember/find the original price of a design i created, simply ask rather than coming up with a number.

traded design rules
1. if i traded it to you, please do not sell the design unless it comes with extra art. you may trade / gift it without the art, but selling or otherwise gaining profit from a design i created but get no profit from is not allowed. (do not add "sentimental value price" - sell for only what the art is worth.)

art only design rules
1. if paying for a design with art, the same rule as traded designs go as follows.
2. what is acceptable of my ocs is on their profile (gore, nsfw), these rules are to be strictly followed as asked. i will let you know if i want it otherwise (if offered it first).

high_voltz Global Rules

all of these go unless said otherwise.
1. do not sell my characters for more than you bought them for unless they come with more art.

2. let me know if you've sold, gifted, or traded my designs.

3. please refrain from changing everything about the design.

4. you don't have to credit me every time you draw the design but you must credit me the first drawing of them. i would also prefer having my user (deviantart, tumblr, or toyhouse) somewhere on the characters.

5. this isn't necessary, but i'd prefer my designs to be used atleast once.

trade only
do not sell the design whatsoever. you can trade or gift but you cannot sell.

art only
i will normally specify things i don't want art of nor am willing to role-play. if i do not list specifics that could make me uncomfortable with a specific character, it's pretty much free game.
do not do any fetish art of my characters (vore, foot, tickle, etc.) unless i ask for it.