


1 year, 6 months ago


 I Wish To Go Home

Name: Air
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Hails From: N/A
Abilities: N/A
Personality Traits: TBA

A human living a somewhat normal life on Earth, rooted in the highlands of Scotland. Air wouldn't say he's a particularly friendly person, nor would he say that he's a very social one either - wanting to just stick to himself and what he knows. Blocking out the world with his earphones and iPod nano. He lives in a secluded cottage in the hillside with his ginger tuxedo cat named Merlin. It was peaceful, quiet and calm, just the way he liked it. That is until a certain somebody named, well, Air couldn't remember the guy's name, but they came and interrupted the peace. In Air's eyes, anyway. The guy made their appearance as Air was walking through the nearby wooded area with Merlin in tow, leashed. Air found them crying against a tree and couldn't understand what was even going on for he had never even encounted this guy before. No one even lived near Air, and if Air needed anything he needed to take his car out to the city, so where had this guy come from? He didn't even have the time to ask before the guy stood and went to walk away, but that wasn't what Air had wanted, he wanted some kind of answers, some inkling as to what this guy was even doing here let alone crying here.

Just before the guy took his leave Air took a running start at them, grabbing their arm and tugging Merlin along a bit too roughly. Then, they were all gone. In the blink of an eye Air had found himself, the guy and, thankfully, his cat in an unfamiliar place. It was full of life, of people, of... costumes? No, that couldn't be right, there was someone who was flying! With wings! Head spinning, Air turned back to look at the guy he showed up with only to see them looking back at him with fear in their bright green eyes. That can't be a good sign, is what he thought to himself as the guy yanked their arm out of Air's grip and backed away, shaking their head. No words were spoken between the two before the guy took off running, shouting a quick, "FUCK!" as they went. Air was left alone with his cat in an unfamiliar world. Thankfully he wasn't alone for long for a... creature? A real life furry (yeah, that will do for now) came up to him with a wave and a smile. 

"Before you ask; I saw what happened and I have your back, stranger! My name's Elio and I'll be your guide until we can get you home," and before Air could even ask anything the furry fella continued talking, "But we will need to get you a symbol so you can at least fit in! I'll give you the symbol I have, that way I can cover for you, how does that sound?"

Air didn't exactly have room to protest, so he nodded and let the furry fella grab his hand and take him wherever they wanted to go. Merlin stuck very close to Air's side, his fur pricked.