Nikko Nagi Nagata



1 year, 5 months ago


Basic Info
Nikko 'Niki' Nagi Nagata
"Your Evilness"
"Whatever number is the MOST EVIL NUMBER." (He's around 27.)
"6:16 hrs AWST, 2nd of the 4th" (April 1st, American time)
"Majestically tall." (175cm)
"I'm evil."
"I'm an evil human."
Blood Type
"Evil cannot love." (Gaaaaay)
"You think you're evil? You're the MARGARINE of evil! The DIET COLA!"
  • words that sound evil (especially the word 'evil')
  • halloween
  • narrating his evil plans
  • dramatic entrances
  • world domination
  • crushing his enemies
  • good guys
  • sneakiness or anything underhanded (he prefers in-your-face evil)
  • pastel colours
  • losing at anything, ever
  • puppies, kittens, and other cute animals (he secretly likes them, but they're pretty open about loving him)
  • He's also dabbled in J-pop and burger franchise ownership. You know, evil stuff.
  • He was a member of the J-Pop boy band FYI from 16-21, which is a very long time in terms of boy band careers. His assigned persona was, unsurprisingly, that of the Bad Boy.
  • Nikko had a hell of a run with FYI, with twenty-three singles under their name and a further fifteen where he was credited with the songwriting.
  • Oh, and four soundtrack appearances for those weird amusing animal 3D animated films. (Think Norm of the North.) He doesn't like talking about those ones.
  • Nikko is his stage name, and he's had his original name legally changed to that so that any attempts to curse him will fail. Only Russ knows his real name! His powerword...
  • It's Steve. This guy, I s2g
  • He currently owns Monster Burger, a burger place with really questionable menu items.
  • Monster Burger is also a SECRET EVIL FRONT for Nikko's group of SECRET EVIL MONSTER HUNTERS, the ELITE BURGER GANG (sometimes shortened to BURGANG). These guys hunt the hunters about as often as they hunt monsters, and just generally take pleasure in beating up anyone who crosses them. They're fairly chaotic neutral and are notorious for ruining other people's hunts.
Exaggerated . Passionate . Artistic . Evil .

Nikko would describe himself in one word: Evil. The man has made 'Evil' his slogan, his creed, and his whole image; he behaves like a Sunday morning cartoon villain at all times, carrying himself with an air of confidence, poise, and unashamed evil-ness. Happy to rattle off any one of his incredibly evil plans for the world to cringe at, Nikko is always eager for the camera, and to this day, considers himself the Baddest Boy in the World.

Funnily enough, while Nikko considers himself shunned and misunderstood, he has quite the fan following - both for his musical skill, and his intense loyalty towards others. While Nikko finds it difficult to make friends, his whole eeeeevil act can be quite charming, in its own way. Plenty find it grating or irritating, but there's plenty who find his commitment to his causes and his ability to be quite frank and transparent very endearing. In a world full of two-faced people, sometimes the guy who openly says he's evil is actually the better choice.


Nikko lived a relatively ordinary Melbournian existence in Australia. He was a straight-A student, and was interested in jazz, particularly jazz singing. Scouted on a music trip to Japan, his life was never really the same after he turned 16; a whirlwind of public appearances and idol training under a certain magical mentor. This is where Nikko learned to 'be evil'; he was pigeonholed into the role initially, but soon, by playing it up, he turned the fortunes of FYI for the better.

Nikko never saw eye-to-eye with his mentor, who wasn't exactly a fan of jazz music, and frequently clashed with him on his songwriting efforts. After he found out what had been done to his best friend back when he'd been recruited, he swore revenge. He left FYI at 22, singlehandedly stormed his mentor's place to bring Russ back home, and went on to forge his own career in first J-pop, then jazz, abusing magic to take the music world by storm.

Strange things seemed to happen wherever he went in the music industry, though. His mentor knew some pretty powerful people, and even worse creatures, and Nikko's actions stirred up an underground he had little idea existed. Exiting the world of music, and fleeing to America with his best friend, Nikko turned to even darker ventures. A burger place seemed like an odd pick for the ex-musician, but there were things about Monster Burger that suited Nikko down to the ground.

After all, who wouldn't want a secret evil base?

Russ J. | Right-Hand Man-Dog

Russ is Nikko's childhood friend, delivery boy, and sometimes bodyguard. He's happy to be with Nikko once again, quietly harboring an old crush he's got on his new boss. Nikko was 'taken' from him by talent scouts back in Australia, the way he sees it, and now they're back together, he'll do anything to ensure he gets to stay with his friend.

Adventurous, a little reckless, and not necessarily the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, Russ is frequently the guy to follow through on Nikko's threats and bluster - often when Nikko didn't really mean he wanted someone's face to be stomped. Ironically, he's often the deal-maker of the group; Nikko demanded some deal, Russ enforces it through raw muscle and stubbornness. They work surprisingly well as a team, though the results often aren't what the evil plan predicted.

Russ loves a good adventure, but a good fight even more; he has been known to try to punch crocodiles, fish, and rocks. The guy's hot-headedness and strong prey drive isn't helped by the fact that he spent a few years as a corgi thanks to Nikko's old mentor, a cruel act which almost completely destroyed his human existence. While Nikko has provided him with a tailisman that lets him shift as he needs to, he's not entirely over his ordeal. He's deathly afraid of large dogs, still gets very tetchy around the postman and large trucks, and jumps if someone calls him by name or whistles.

Russ also seems to have a real habit of losing or taking off his shirt, especially when Nikko's around. Nikko frequently has to remind him that, yes, people do wear clothes, even when they feel it's getting hot in here.

Alice | Partner in Crime

Alice was Nikko's agent during his music days, negotiating lucrative deals on his behalf. Pragmatic and logical, she was one of the few people to realize his claims regarding Russ held any kind of merit, and obtained the house plans to enable Nikko's epic, evil break-in. As a self-proclaimed 'Tumblr goth', Alice believes in magic, and insists on keeping various stone wands and 'magic' pot plants around their burger-y hideout. She also insists on a balanced diet; without her cooking, the boys would probably be dead of cardiac arrest by now.

Though a few years younger than he is, Alice is far more level-headed, and keeps Nikko grounded much of the time. She speaks her mind often, undaunted by her boss, or the kinds of people he routinely goes up against, and keeps a pistol in her handbag. While she isn't vocally 'evil' like he is, it's clear that she supports the general direction Nikko goes in, and she's often the first to defend him from criticism. She's a foodie blogger in her spare time, writing articles for cooking magazines, and she sometimes wields that influence to shut down hit pieces from Nikko's mentor.

Or maybe it's some other kind of influence-? Alice has some dark secret or other, but Nikko turns a blind eye to it. Few things could be as evil as he is, after all!

Name | Relationship

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