


1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Evangelus Constantinus Vancouver


Evan, That Weirdo, communaldistribution (in social media)








BioTech Laboratory


i'm on my phone rn and i'd change the layout for shit if i had my pc


An extremely shy guy and super awkward at socializing to the fact that no sentence can be spoken without a single stutter or a pause. Evan is a doctor who works at BioTech Lab and stands at the Medium Class 1 rank for his ability to create inanimate objects, mostly food, to life. His secret ways are hidden from everyone to find out.

As mentioned, he has very poor socializing skills. This causes him to have an introverted nature, preferring to lock himself up in his own dorm and enjoy his time alone. He may go out only to go to the cafeteria or buy groceries (this one's hard because he strongly refuses to go out).
He has an ability to hyperfocus, usually when he's working on something like an experiment. He would ignore all noise backgrounds and everything else, whilst staying quiet, only to finish what he's doing. Rumor has it that he would even stay up all night to finish, but it's been debunked to say that it's false.
If he is attracted to someone, he'd try to pick up at least one item dropped by them and keep it up for himself. He would even get the feelings if he just looks at said object. When mentioned, his speech will worsen as he gets even more nervous.

Backstory [tw: dead animals mentioned]
Evan's childhood wasn't the greatest, as he had some odd habits that made kids stay away from him and left him alone. As he was growing up, he got revenge from a bully by placing a dead rat in his container. After a few more case reports, he was accused for an incident that he wasn't involved in at all, causing him to be expelled from school.

His parents have tried their best after transferring to a few more schools to no avail, so they finally had no choice but to homeschool him. They were afraid that Evan might do strangely terrible things outside again. His homeschooling period went up until he turned 18. He developed his introverted nature right during those years and became scared of the outside world.

While he was in his teenage years, he developed an interest to biology. He was into the concept of life and death, and he had gotten fixated into learning science. It's practically the reason why he scored high marks on his exams.

One time, he tried to bring back his dead cat to life. It showed a small sign of pulses, but after his parents found out and scolded him, he buried it back to its grave.

After reaching more than 20 years old, his parents told him to find a job for him to live his life. Technically, he has been waiting for it since living inside his house felt trapped in there.
Since he has very bad social skills, he failed to apply jobs, but later on was introduced to BioTech Lab where he can show his hidden potential to the company.

Lately, he's been going around in social media posting videos and images about the specimens he created whilst still remaining anonymous. His life wouldn't be all the same after Dr. Drakyl got fired, and he doesn't even know why. Coincidence that much?

• Evan is based on a tiktok account called providingforthecommunity.
(please search at your own risk, they make disgusting food videos)
• He is ambidextrous.
• He likes stargazing.
• His favorite Pokémon is Reuniclus.
• He is sometimes sensitive, but uses this trick to get away from tight situations.
• He tends to fidget his fingers while he talks.



weird guy who has poor communications due to his, well, weird antiques

works in biotech lab and generally a shut-in introvert guy. still tries his best to talk though but normally stays away from people.. unless you approach him instead

he's different when he starts to work tho, he has a few disgusting creations such as a slug banana creature. loves it a lot

he yearns for acceptance