


1 year, 5 months ago



name and story pending until after finals 🥺 but oh I have so many plans

I love them too much not to write a little something early as I chug through studying, I just love them too dearly to leave them blank for a few more days

One of the last scraps of a world and it's people that's long gone to the storms, dust, and time that's ravaged for as long as anybody can remember!  They were once a byproduct of a world made of lights, designed and created by people who had no idea what they were doing but charging forward with blind fury and hunger anyway.  When the storms came, and the oceans receded, the ones who made them disappeared along with most of the living world.  Life only thrived in small patchwork cities made of lights and sounds, and in these cities they were an illegal racing runner who competed in underground rings for scraps to fix themselves, becoming increasingly less picky about the materials they used as the world began to fall apart from the inside, and good material became less and less easy to come by.  This was until the storms wiped out everything, and the last shreds of civilization collapsed

Fletch woke up decades later under a pile of rubble to the face of some strange creature either trying to scavenge their body for scraps or frantically trying to see if they were alive, which was debatable either way.  Not quite alive yet not quite inorganic, with a body made of so many cobbled together parts that it's impossible to see where the metal and wires end and where 'Fletch' begins, along with a personality that's equal parts code and perhaps, just maybe, something else.  Fletch wakes up to an empty world full of dried out sea beds and broken monuments of a civilization once full of life and joy and millions of people, reduced to empty cities and scraps, and the only living thing seems to be a strange little creature who travels this world in a mechanical, patchwork caravan made of the same scraps and cobbled together parts as Fletch's body.  Together they travel the world in search of others, figuring out more about the other and how this world came to be, and perhaps how to change it