


1 year, 6 months ago


Sol is one of the first deities to be, Sol is the deity that helps Lun with watching and protecting the realm from celestial dangers. They both made the four deities, Sol made azalea and ember. Sol is known by mortals as “guardian of the sun”.  they arent seen roaming the mortal lands often, usually just during solar eclipses, clear days, and full moons. Sol has the similar prophetic abilities  as Lun but to a larger scale. But instead of going to warn villages about possible disasters, Sol will send vague signs or massages about what may happen. Some say that the sun’s path around the lands is actually Sol watching to make sure everything stays in balance. Sol is seen as the more emotionally connected than Lun, being able to talk with mortal beings very easily.

Extra info: 

they can breathe fire with a similar heat to the sun itself