


1 year, 6 months ago


code by Leporidactic | decor via fontmeme

his full name is Vincent Killian which fun fact comes from violent and kill and is ironic considering Vince is so pacifistic that he refuses to feed off of animals and only feeds off of donated blood and raw meat. yeah he is a vampire lol

Vince is the keyboardist for the music band. he's the youngest, at 21, and the 2nd shortest, and he is still going through schooling. he goes to school at night so he doesnt get horrible 3rd-degree sunburns and die. in any case he needs to go outside during a sunny day, he will wear gloves and a wide-brimmed hat with a screen over the edges to cover his skin in shade. he's perfectly fine being in bright lights, however cannot go anywhere with UV lights without protection for it. he might be gay, i haven't decided yet.

for his design, he is supposed to be wearing faded jeans. his canines/fangs will noticibly poke out whenever he opens his mouth or shows his teeth, and his upper canines are noticibly larger than his lower canines. his irises glow in the dark. he only has one earring, on his right ear. he is the most human looking one out of all of the current characters since he technically is partially human. he may be under some changes - i have yet to draw a fullbody image of him, his optional gloves, and what he looks like with his hair down.