
6 years, 3 months ago



  • Ear Type: Common (A)
  • Eye Type: Uncommon (Slit Pupil + Sectoral Heterochromia)
  • Tails: Uncommon (1)
  • Tail Addition: Common (Regular/None)
  • Elemental Type: Luck (Green and White)
  • Elemental Spell Slots Available: 1 (Tail) + 3 (Runes - Proof of Purchase)
  • Phylacteries Available:  None (See: Feeding System)


Name: Neniko
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: Young adult

Neniko is the sort of person you always expect to be broke (you hardly see them work, they're always jetting off somewhere or buying some shiny new thing) but she never is.  Neniko seems innately blessed with absurd luck--more than would be explained by her elemental affiliation.  Friends have learned not to question things and instead put her on the case whenever they're looking to source something hard to find or need their endeavors touched with a little extra luck.  And, of course, they're always ready to show their gratitude with a little gift or favor here or there.  . . . maybe her luck isn't so inexplicable after all.

A lady of leisure, Neniko loves to shop and pamper herself and her friends.  Anyone who is a friend of Neniko's had best be prepared for a constant stream of gifts or surprises, as Neniko thinks luck is best when shared.  She quite enjoys spending time in human form and loves visiting the human world to spend time in arcades and casinos.  She's also an avid fan of games, board and video alike.  And if someone wants to get a little action on one of her evening game nights, well, she's always happy to take a bet.

Drawing Pointers:

  • Paw pads on feet are same green as eyes
  • Elemental crystal is shaped like a koban
  • Despite her light fur, when shapeshifted into human form, Neniko has dark skin.


  • TenshiNeera's Nate: Lovers and gambling partners, Neniko enjoys this flashy boy's style and joie de vivre
  • TenshiNeera's Noelle & Rebecca: Friends via Nate, Neniko has a soft spot for these sweet, playful girls and isn't above using her luck powers to push things in their favor now and again. &
  • TenshiNeera's Sera: Friend and fan, also via Nate.  Neniko is a supporter of this determined, confident performer and enjoys visiting her concerts when she can.  Neniko likes to gift her with jewelry.
  • Manon: Former lovers, now friends/enemies/it's complicated.  Neniko still likes Manon and doesn't mind hanging out with her every so often, but the girl is made of 24K drama and is way too high maintenance.  Manon makes everything so hard.  4 outfits before you decide on something and get out the door?  2 hours doing hair and makeup?  Come on, girly, you're already a stunner, let's just go already!  Neniko still tries to be friendly to Manon even if her gifts and kind gestures always seem to be taken in an odd way.  Oh well.  If Manon wants to tie herself up in knots, that is Manon's problem.  Neniko tried to get her to chill out once and see where that got her.  (See: former lovers.)