Cordelia The Second



1 year, 6 months ago


of course, i do not support or endorse cannibalism, and much of her cannibalism is supposed to be vague, flowery, and fairytale esque, much like the old lady who swallowed the fly she eats people whole and its not weird, descriptive, or meant to be looked into. she is specifically noted as maiming people to take their hearts out, or eating specifically children, which can be upsetting. part of her narrative excuses her beastly behavior as due to her parentage, which can be upsetting to read if misunderstood as endorsement or an excuse. she is a fantasy character with specific fairytaleish angling and meant to explore the implications of being a creature that within its own fiction is naturally inclined to reprehensible behavior.


Name Cordelia Bartholomew II
Age 21ish
Alias Dilly *
Gender femaleish
Sexuality unlabelled
Pronouns she/her
Role noncanon nextgen
Race magical wooden puppet

  • Fairish freckled skin
  • Dark orange hair, longish, braided at the sides and tied up in a black bow. (Cartoon stylization should have it look a cartoon fox tail :))
  • Fox like features- furry ears, pawish hands and feet and claws, tearduct markings, tail, and potentially foxy eyes.
  • Black and gold moth themed cloak over an orange overcoat over a puffy white and beige undershirt.
  • Wears any jewelry she can find, often piercings and earrings but also gets creative with what can technically be worn on the body. Rings on necklace chains or embedded into clothes and such.
  • (First concept pieces are incorrect) She is often covered in flowers which grow from her tail and hair.
Reference Here

NONCANON next gen, daughter of Lawrence Percival Octavius Ramsey Sylvester Sterling Bartholomew Jr. II, who may be scrapped if requested or edited heavily in time.

Cordelia is the wily daughter of Lawrence, a magical construct similar to him though created naturally through magic and love, and instead of metal and clockwork innards shes got a beautiful garden growing within her. despite coddling and careful parentage from her father, shes still extremely wild, though she often presents as aloof, quiet, polite, and perhaps even sweet- shes got that responsible older sibling kind of vibe where shes assumed as the adult of the children (though she may be an only child...).. like an honors kid, punctual and put together and very good for showing off. but shes actually got a very aggressive mean streak, shes a little trickster and rascal and prefers dirty dealing and pulling strings discreetly, she loves to cause trouble in ways where she can avoid the consequences and reap the benefits. shes not unknown to steal or trap people into little tricks, playing weighted games and honorably taking others objects- or even abstract things with her meager magic if she can manage. but its hard to see her as necessarily cruel even if she is- shes very cute and she knows better than to bite off more than she can chew. but in the dead of night you might just meet her in the woods where the only thing you could make out is her foxish form in the pale moonlight and the mischievious glint of her eyes as she posits that you two make a little bet, and the payout will be weighty if you win but the price if you lose, oh, the price if you lose...


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Fill this in later


Lawrence calls her a miracle- immaculately conceived and all in his hollow form simply through the power of love. Unplanned, without warning, just popped out of Lawrie's chest cavity one day (his torso opens up like a cabinet)- while the event is confusing and stressful, Lawrie takes it all in stride and raises her well. Despite Lawrie's eccentricity and instability, living decidedly on his own he's a much more put together man who is surprisingly good at raising a child- ignoring that he spoils her rotten and is terrible at disciplining her, but it's never really necessary, right? She's his sweet little angel, she's never done anything wrong!

She is raised overwhelmingly lovingly and carefully, Lawrence was raised terribly and in recent years had been enlightened about how his former neglect had traumatized him, and as such he is extremely gentle with regards to Cordelia, doing his best to ensure that she is raised with freedom, support, and affection. It does her well- her childhood is unremarkable except for the excess of joy, with the only blemishes being her animalistic nature- she gets... frustrated when restrained even simply by the bars of society and humanity and had not been unknown to go simply wild, and even at her best moments at her core she remains mischievious. Despite being a truly wonderful little girl in most regards, she simply cannot help herself- she runs off regularly to play terrible tricks on people and get them caught up in fairyish contracts and deals. It's simply instinctual to her, she feels she has to not in a conscious way- it all comes naturally, it makes her feel normal.

Despite that- the stealing, the extremely lethal pranks, her proclivity for eating people's hearts at worst and pruning their magic or memories at best- she's fine. She's polite and functional, friendly and kind. She loves her father enough to want to make him proud (he's not very happy with what she gets up too, but he's too soft to really reprimand her except with disappointment), so she takes some of the little trinkets he's gifted to her and invests in a little duel pawn shop, plant shop, bar, and cafe. She handles drinks well, she's got a bit of her fathers magical inclination towards plants, and she simply adores bartering for objects- and payment does not have to be in coin in her shop. She can discreetly take bits of abilities, skills, magic, or memories off of people, stored for later- perhaps other patrons will buy them back. Want to buy a clock? Give to her your happiest memory. You have a music box she wants? She'll pay you this happy memory for it. And so on and so forth.

She does well for herself, occupied with her job enough that the most troubling things she gets up to are nary but rumors, so scant in frequency and evidence. A few excursion in the night and no one bats an eye. Every village has a few missing children every month, it happens.


  • * She was named after her grandmother on Lawrie's side, unfortunately- no one in the family respects her and Lawrence himself thinks that naming a child after another person is unfair and all, but he cannot help the sentimentality. As such, most people do NOT call her Cordelia but instead any shortening- Rory, Cordy, Delia, Dilly, Danny, etc, or any other descriptor- Lawrie usually calls her his angel.
  • She absolutely adores all forms of art, especially the most dramatic, abstract, and moving. Just a big fan of unorthodox or out there art.
  • She can actually shapeshift a small amount- she is always within the smaller range of a foxish human or a humanish fox- she can gain a snout and more traditionally quadrapedal body plan, but will remain startlingly and upsettingly humanish with that knowing glint in her eyes and dextrous lanky paws.
  • She is made of wood like her father, but far more seamless such that you would not notice. Her body morphs when she moves, she's wholly magic.

Aesthetic content
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Sin Greed
Virtue Diligence

Designer meeee
Obtained from my braaain
Status noncanon except in my heart
Value a morbillion


They have a very good relationship. Dilly appreciates her father having raised her so freely, and all of the follies of her childhood and frustration towards the world cannot be helped- Lawrie does his absolute best for her, which is often contrary to what one ought to do- he looks the other way when she returns covered in blood, and turns people away when they confront him about objects they swear are theirs but now remain in the Bartholomew home. He loves her dearly and desperately, perhaps far too much, but even still is careful enough to not smother her- Dilly really appreciates it. She's not too emotional, though, but they know her continued proper behavior is repayment to him.


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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!