Victor Vincente Gracia Soriano



Victor is a Music Teacher at Uva/Naranja Academy in Paldea! In his earlier years he himself used fo be a trainer too (10-14) until he started his Idol Career at age 15, and continued on that path for the next 10 years of his life (until he was roughly 25).

Victors Son, Matias Cantero Avila Soriano, was born to him and his Ex Wife Yukari Yatsuko when he was 20, and has been the light of his life ever since he first was born.

However, Victors ex wife was never the kindest person after they got Married. She was originally his Manager when he was still an Idol, and before he started questioning his Sexuality towards people. He priginally believed that he was Asexual as he never had much interest in Women. But he was grown to believe that dating and marrying women was the only thing he was allowed to do in life, so he forced himself to get married to what he thought was a Capable and "Kind" women, because Yukari was always professional and sweet with him as his Manager. However this was his first mistake.

Victor soon realized she only agreed to marry him because of his status as an idol in the world, because he was famous and because she was a fan of his music and career...and because he made the mistake of sleeping with her before they got married, and she got pregnant. She had asked him because they were having a conversation about the fact that Victor was still a virgin, and how he didnt feel any attraction towards people, so she gave excuse he could test it out with her just to get him wrapped around her little finger.

Once they were actually married, to the face of the world they were the "perfect" couple and "everyones dream couple" because she was a normal Civilian who got to marry her Idol. When in reality she was the worse kind of person to him, after their son was born she became more and more irrational and easily irritable. She wasnt the same, kind manager he once knew. She would overwork him on certain performances, practices, etc and overbook him so he had less time to spend at home with his son.

Victor stayed in this abuse for 5 years, because he didnt want to give Matias the trauma of having his oarents divorce just like his did. He always tried to play the good guy, he always took the brunt of all yelling or abuse aimed towards them and did his best to protect his son. But the last straw was when Matias had just turned 5

Victor had thrown a little birthday party for him a little under a week before his actual birthday on the weekend, because he was going to be in school during his actual birthday; Yukari didnt like that he did that without her. She viewed it as painting her as the bad guy in their Marriage, when Matias has specifically signed to him 'can...she please not be there?' even as a little 5 year old Matias didnt like that his mother hurt his Father and him so much.

They had a HUGE fight the day after Matias' party. Yukari had been drinking some wine and they fought for a few hours yelling and screaming at each other. Matias came home from school (via school bus) to hear them yelling at each other and the heavy scent of wine, he tried his best to stop her from hurting his father further as he could see his father was to tears. This resulted in Yukari getting angrier at them, saying theyre both painting her as the bad guy, and she tried to beat Matias over the head with a glass wine bottle.

Victor would never let her do that to his son though, and when she went to bash Matias with the bottle he grabbed his son to throw him out of the way, and took the blow instead. This resulted in her getting worse, and proceeding to hit Victor several more times with the already broken bottle. She only stopped after about the 8th hit because she got tired of Victor no longer reacting to her abuse and she left, still partially drunk. Victor only survived the blood loss because his families pokemon kept trying to use healing moves on him to keep him stable until the Ambulance and Police came. They arrived 5 minutes later as little Matias had taken the home phone and panickly called them sobbing that his mother had attacked his father, that he was going to die and she might hurt him next.

Now in recent times, Victor has a large Scar on the left side of his face which extends onto his neck and left shoulder, he usually hides it with heavy clothing and his bangs. Matias hates that he was a child back then and couldnt protect his father better, that he has this mark all because of that women.