


6 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade


  • Basic Info

    • Name: Mana P-00-15(Mobile Adaptable Nullification Android)
    • Alias: “Cyber Shot”
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 27 (Actually 88) April 6th
    • Species: Android
    • Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    • Major Flaw: Naive
    • Likes: Organic lifeforms, Cleanliness, Swimming
    • Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, bullies, clutter, pollution

  • Powers

    The ability to recharge a few other peoples super powers by using her stored up energy from the sun. The ability to take UV, and change it into energy, to shoot from her “Tail” like a gun. She also has a built in visor that lets her see easily from far distances. She is skilled in assembling or using several sorts of firearms. She also has the ability to purify water by drinking it then releasing it from a valve on her finger. Most of her abilities come from her android body.
    Mana’s tail can attach to her chest bauble and become armor, To her back end bauble and become a tail like whip, to her hand and be a beam cannon or can split and become two less powerful beams. When it’s a tail it hovers behind her, never actually connecting to her.

  • Weakness

    Her power though strong is only good for a few hours of battle. Without sun to recharge she’s likely to power down and fall asleep. She does have a wind up feature for emergencies but it only powers the basics of functions. Mana also is quite naive in so many ways so she’s easy to be tricked. This makes her easily used for unlawful things. If she thinks a child is stuck in a bank vault, and suffocating, she will not hesitate to use her gun to break inside.

  • Combat

    Mana uses the technology she was built with to deal with most things. She’s also average at hand to hand combat. Most of her skills involve disarming her opponents except for her gun. Mana will normally choose peaceful ways to resolve things and values all life.
    Therefore she uses her gun as a last resort. Mana is able to take organic matter like minerals and such filtered from water to form into a sticky sap-like substance she can use to keep her opponent from running, or to prevent their own weapons from firing. Most of her attacks are sniper styled and she prefers to attack from afar.

  • Personality

    Mana enjoys the company of animals over people as she finds humans to be self destructive and complex. Because of this her ability to function emotionally as a believable human being is quite limited. She often doesn't understand human humor so she’s know to randomly laugh in an awkward way when she thinks that someone said something funny.
    Her voice is soft and her overall demeanor is quite loving and motherly. She enjoys children and since she never ages she has several individuals that she’s watched grow up. Still she fondly treats them like children and forgets that they’re adults now. She enjoys most forms of music but prefers classical and 8-bit game music the most. However mild tempered she may be she cannot handle cruelty to animals or people who senselessly harm nature. Things like this will send her into a rage until the situation is dealt with.

  • Background

    Mana was created by an alien race and was lost on Earth when their ship was destroyed. Her sole function was to actively protect all forms of plant life and animal life, excluding humans. The ones who created her made sure she had the ability to take earth matter and make it more stable or purify it so it was better for the plant and animal life.
    She does value human life but find them frustrating due to the way they’re so careless. Mana has no urge to contact the alien planet and is quite content living on the Earth.
    She decided it was best to help this group deal with those who chose to recklessly abandon human law. She knows that these types of people are usually the ones who are the kind to hurt nature itself. So in helping them she helps the animals and plants she loves so dearly.
    Mana looks like a 25 year old female however she is much older and doesn't seem to have any sort of expiry date. It’s doubtful that she will die of anything natural. All of her memories are backed up every night at home on her own recharge station. she sleeps in a large chair for 5 hours every night keeping these memory files sorted out as she does so.
    She cannot dream like a human and finds dreams to be a fascinating subject she’d like to learn more about. She doesn't know how to repair herself or any other alien technology she was just simply made to function as an intelligent way to help earth regenerate its natural resources.
    Mana now works in the school as a nurse helping children with physical wounds, and using medicinal remedies (That taste horrid) for ailments such as stomach aches, nausea, ect.

  • Random Facts

    -Mana was made unique. She may have other models made at the same time but no two looks the same.
    -The markings on her face are made into her skin they are not a mask, same with the spots on her shoulders, and hips. These are designs that let people know that she isn't human. However she can use makeup to cover them up.
    -Mana has 100% accurate human anatomy and even has blood that flows in her body in tubes. She stores the blood and it’s only used to help other team mates.
    -She goes only by Mana when addressed by friends however she has no real last name. She uses the serial code as her last name however it’s converted from P-00-15 to Pools.
    -Mana is the perfected and final model of her class, making her the youngest, of 20.