


1 year, 6 months ago



- basic information name: luzviminda (no last name) 

pronouns: she/they 

age: 28 years old 

height:  Shorter than Suvi

race-ethnicity: filipino 

occupation: traveling exorcist/priest 

- relationships 

family: no known family, grew up in a religious temple 

other: friend and eventual lover with suvi 

- biography 

the spunky small town exorcist sent to investigate suvi. She is stubborn and steadfast in her opinion (though she often regrets and has to take back her words to avoid conflict), she can stand her ground despite her small stature. SHe is also dutiful, taking her job very seriously. Okay new lore. SO luz has these absolutely sick tattoos on her back (look below but still not for sure) bc of a curese. Theres like these curses called self inflicted curses or wtv and basically their curses that are like self fulfilling prophecies (seemingly) caused by the accursed to themselves (like these people are not cursed by outside forces. They get the curses "from themselves" (no one knows why) and end up fulfilling said curse throughout their life). Since luz was cursed her mom dipped out ig (lame) (not sure abt the dad yet) and Luz was left at the monastery. The people there took care of her and raised her. Btw Luz’s curse is basically that she would always bring the attention of creatures of the night/beasts/monsters (vamps, werewolves, malicious fae and whatnot) towards her, meaning she was never saef from them and neither were the people close to her. SHes like a lamp that attracts monsters instead of moths ig. Due to the strange the curse, the people of the monastery decided to raise her into an exorcist bc if shes gonna attract monsters, might as well make her deal with them too (luz thinks it was a good decision after the fact but she was def coerced/didnt rlly have a choice in the matter) and yeah so she's like a super good exorcist now because she can find creatures of the night quickly thanks to her curse mmm yeah. But also means she cant let herself get close to people in fear of bringing danger to em… oh noo…