Ketsueki "Raven" Puru



1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Ketsueki Puru

Alias: Raven

Hair: Blue

Eyes: Pink

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Personality: Mysterious and quiet. He knows only violence and death. He can be cold and distant at first but eventually will warm up.

Backstory: Ketsueki was just five years old when his family was assassinated. In a matter of four seconds, they were dead but Ketsueki survived by hiding. Four years later, he was hired by Eclipse as an assassin and now hunts criminals. Ketsueki's nickname, "Raven", was given to him when he joined Eclipse. During his first mission that was actually training, he was captured by his target and raped before the target shot out both of his eyes, rendering him blind. To this day, after finding out it was all training, Ketsu has despised the company he works for but cannot leave them due to his fear.

Bio: Ketsueki normally remains distant from others and is very keen on finding his targets despite him being blind. To make up for his sight, his hearing and scent is greater than normal humans. He normally uses a gun to kill but will use any other object if necessary. Generally, he is kind-hearted but will seem cold as to protect the other. If given the chance, Ketsueki will flat out leave/destory Eclipse as he despises them that much.