Lucina Aloisia



1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Lucina Aloisia

Name Meaning: Illumination Famous Fighter


  • 14: 1.0
  • 18: A Realm Reborn
  • 19: Heavensward
  • 20: Stormblood
  • 21: Shadowbringers
  • 22: Endwalkers

Namesday: 15th sun of the 4th astral moon

Pronouns: She/her

Guardian: Llymlaen, the Navigator

Race: Au Ra Raen


  • Scholar (ARR-SHB)
  • Sage (EW/6.2)
  • Gunbreaker (6.3/Current)


Awkward, impulsive, hot headed, irresponsible, she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but her heart is in the right place. Has a hard time catching social cues and takes things at face value. She can easily sense what others are feeling, though can’t connect the dots quite right. This leads to a number of misunderstandings that she would need to be talked out of. As the story progresses, she grows as a person through experience and facing the real world. She cares deeply for those around her, and isn't afraid to put herself in harms way if it means protecting them.


  • Books
  • Looking at the night sky
  • Bread
  • Writing about her adventures in her journal
  • Gardening


  • Loud noises
  • Smelly things
  • Boring meetings
  • Sour foods
  • Fish
  • Cooking


  • Collecting shiny objects
  • Researching new topics
  • Writing
  • Gathering
  • Scrap booking
  • Napping


  • A strong sense of justice
  • Passionate
  • Imaginative
  • Courageous


  • Reckless
  • Bottles up her feelings
  • Indecisive
  • Aggressive 


  • Failure
  • Letting others down
  • Not being able to protect her loved ones
  • Losing everything.


As a young Au Ra, she never seemed to fit in with her peers in Gridania. She preferred to hide away in her room and read books. Her biological parents were escapes from Terncliff before they met their demise in a carriage crash in The Black Shroud caused by Odin. A young Elezen man, Reinmont heard Lucina’s cries on his way back from work and took her in as his own with his wife Emilette. Because of her race she was treated as an outcast and never knew what she was, but she never let this get to her. With the help of her mother and childhood friend Annelle she was able to find the strength to not let their cruel words affect her and be confident in who she is. She lived a peaceful life with her adopted parents, learning the art of magic from her father and botany from her mother.

All this changed when the calamity hit when she turned 13.

As the ground shook when Bahamut emerged from Dalamud, trees fell on her house, instantly killing both of her parents. She was crushed underneath rubble on death doors till a brave adventurer saved her, it was at that moment she strived to become like them and save others. One year later, she wandered off from the Orphanage after hearing rumors of a creature and met a strange Viera named Abaddon. He was gravely injured and saved him from death. At this point she starts following him along and leaves Gridania, she didn’t want to be stuck in Gridania forever and wanted to find the brave man who saved her on that day and perhaps find out who she is.

Traveling Eorzea with Abaddon, she sees various sights and lived out her adventuring dreams. The two end up sharing a sibling relationship as he helps Lucina connect back to her Au Ra instincts and learn how to survive. From learning how to properly shed her scales to learning which berries are edible.
A year after their travels they run into Edwyn, a small albino male Viera. He was being attacked by pirates for stealing a loaf of bread, the two rush up and save him from danger, him also clinging onto Abaddon and joins their party. Little did they know that another person would soon join, this person being I’keri, one of the pirates that was harassing Edwyn. A little while later, he forcefully joins their merry gang. Soon, their grand adventure will begin!


  • G'raha: Lover
  • Thancred: Uncle figure
  • Tataru: Respects/scared
  • Alisaie and Alphi: Younger siblings
  • Krille: Close friend, Lucina loves to hear her stories and research.
  • Y'shtola: Wine aunt
  • Urianger: Weird uncle, gets confused by his words.
  • Estinen: The two had a rough start but consider each other close allies now.
  • Minfelia: Close friend, Lucina respects her highly for her leadership skills, she wishes she was still here so she could show her everything.


Lucina is autistic

She ate grass as a child

Lucina loves shiny objects 

She can eat a ungodly amount of bread without suffering any ill effects.


From the light poisoning, Lucina's hair turned white and her scales roughened/grew more. Her fangs are sharper along with her claws. She suffers from migraines though overtime they have died down.

She got summoned to The First during the battle with Zenos in 4.5, here she lost her right eye and was bleeding out. It was NOT a good time for anyone.

She got a replica of Thancred's eyepatch at her time during The First.


“Come on, let's join the Scions! What’s the worst that could happen? We could get RICH! Imagine all the things we could buy if we become champions of the realm!”

“Come here you swivin' bastards! I’ll be making you into mushroom stew soon! Just you see!” 

“My parents…uh they’re dead!”

“Pfff get a load of this guy.”

“Ed asked for NO pickles!”

“They’re…they’re all dead…everyone was alive just before…Those bastards will pay for this.”

“We can’t give up, not yet. So lift your head up and start moving.”

Voice Claim