


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

ruthless assassin and demon slayer. loves tea and exquisite jewellery. doesn't care about u


full name; Gwyndolen Ishtar Thalarctos Sardoynx Anthemis Cygnus Excálibur (her mother went a bit trigger happy on the middle names!)

goes by; Gwyndolen, Gwyn.

age + birthday; ??? (31st December) 

gender; Female (she/her)
orientation + status; Bisexual (Tentatively shipped; not looking atm)

occupation; Assassin + Witcher/Demon Hunter + Bounty Hunter
hobbies; Wine tasting; brewing potions/poisons; learning about feudal Japan; learning about human anatomy; gardening; collecting swords and other various weapons.
likes; Tea; sushi; jewellery and fancy dresses; silk; plants; lavender; gold; history; biology; chemistry; wine and sake; chocolate; train rides.
dislikes; Rats; snow; people trying to guess her age; Shiranui (with a burning passion!!)

neutral evil / mbti type / ennegram
Aloof, poised and eloquent, Gwyn spends the majority of her life traveling the world in search for high bounties. She is rarely seen in the same place twice- and is always in disguise in either identity or appearance. Sometimes both. She is self-reliant and loves nothing more than a train ride and a flask of tea. She always has at least 6 different weapons on her person at all times, and can situate random household objects into deadly things. Gwyn is rather cautious and always likes to be 5 steps ahead of anyone at all times, especially law enforcement. She's been caught a few times and vows never to let it happen again. 

In au she is half yokai too! Despite her heritage she goes around acting as a bounty hunter for both the mortal and immortal, both communities have never done much for her so she has no qualms destroying both if the price is high enough.
In her yokai form she functions similarly to a kistune, but with less power since she's a half breed. She can control will o wisps and cast illusions in a similar way to the transfigurations of harry potter.
However on the new moon she becomes fully mortal (similar to inuyasha if you've watched/read that!) and she hates it, often hiding and taking refuge at home during this tume.
During the full moon she is at her most powerful! She can change into a kitsune at this time and travel through objects at will, conjure up more powerful illusions that last longer and can be used on living beings, and her will o wisps become infernos and more powerful. She reserved this night for hard/risky jobs but tries to not let the power get to her head since she's more suspectible to other yokai in this state since she's still not as powerful as some of them!
Because of all this she likes to journal to plan her jobs based on the phases of the moon.


Gwyn owns a tea shop in suburban Japan where she lives. The shop sells teas, esscences, essential oils and tea ware. There is also a garden and a greenhouse behind the store and her home where she grows most of her own produce (as well as things for poison making). Her house above the shop is quite small and just contains two bedrooms, a bathroom and kitchen, though she rarely is around anyway. Gwyn leaves the spare room for her adopted son Joe when he wants to visit, and occasionally Liam if she's feeling nice to him. 

When Gwyn is travelling the world in search for bounties she leaves her shop with Joe (until he moves out) or one of her trusted informants to run whilst she's away.

base concept; Nintetails (from Okami) x Yennefer/Geralt (from The Witcher)

health notes;

-Gwyn, due to her half yokai blood, has lived a lonngggg time. (Aprox. 500 years?) She doesn't even remember how old she is herself! The first century of her life was serving in her father military, the next was ruling over his kingdom, then the next two were spent traveling around the world with her mother until she passed on into the spirit world. This is the first century Gwyn has been completely alone and made her own choices about how to live. 

-Gwyn's physical body looks to be around 30

-Gwyn has a shocking tolerance to poisons with all the concoctions she's tested on herself over the years. 


-Outside AU she's a mere humble assassin who is just really good at her job.