


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

vibe check

grumpy private detective. lowkey robin-hood. loves justice


full name; Aschente Dante Thrift

goes by; Aschente 'Ashe'

age + birthday; Young Adult; 20-23 (5th November)

gender; Male (he/him)

orientation + status; Bisexual (Mated to Lace; potentially open for poly??)

occupation; Private Investigator; Detective. 

hobbies; Playing Piano; martial arts; playing chess; 

likes; Fedoras; sunglasses; adrenaline rushes; strategic plans; origami; video games; cats

dislikes; Swimming, he can do it but he's not a fan;


chaotic good / mbti type

brief history + personality here

residency; Lives in large top floor apartment which is always dimly lit with gentle purple lighting (which sounds like a gentle melody to him.). There is a grand piano, flatscreen tv and elaborate chess set. His home overlooks the city centre and has a rooftop garden. There are only beanbags to sit on, and many cat towers. There is a large oak desk as well as a pin board with schedules and to do lists, all case files are hidden in a confidential locked filing cabinet nearby. Floor to ceiling windows on bedroom wall and living room wall, a hammock for a bed with many cushions and pillows, and a soft fuzzy carpet in his room. A gaming cabinets and many consiles are also stored here.

base concept; Robin Hood esque Private Investigator (made to be the yang to Lazuli's yin)

health notes;

-Relatively physically healthy, rarely gets sick

-Above average eyesight, but still loves weqring sunglasses

-Allergic to fish... he'll throw up; don't give it to him... (somehow able to eat most seafood??)

- synesthetic; often gets sensory overloads :( he's found meditating helps him during them, as well as eye masks/ear plugs to avoid them. sees words as colour, hears lights as noises (most yellow/white lights are just white noise), feels when smell certain scents (cinnamon is his favourite! It's like a warm hug to him. cut grass is rather painful like pins and needles).


-Owns a  red maine coon called Cassanova, adores him! Fosters cats/kittens and has fostered over 100. Its a miracle he hasn't adopted any more yet!

-He is quite short, stands at 5"4 as a human. 

-Muscular, works out at the gym

-Amazing chess player and rubik cuber, his record is 5 seconds for the latter so far. 

-Hates his parents, who were secret servant agents. They put work wayy ahead of him as a child and lost him as a kid, blows them off and refuses to come to family events most of the time. 

-Actually spent more time with Ciri and Tugger as a kid (like, saw his parents twice every few months until he was 10 ish), after they found him and returned him they became his baby sitters as he bonded with them. They are his Found Family and he loves them dearly. Spends holidays with them.

-Lacerta and him met on the job chasing the same criminal. After many more assigned cases together they fell for each other despite Ashe's hatred for cops and the goverment. 

