Presley Fitzgerald



6 years, 3 months ago




  • do you like hunting ghosts and vampires and werewolves (oh my!)? then you should be friends with presley! please be friends with presley
  • sweet, precious cinnamon roll that most people like but think she's a little off. wants really badly to just be helpful. 
  • grew up in a sleepy little all american town where weird stuff happens all the time and no one really questions it because what do you mean this isn't the norm? 
    • she had aspirations to become a paranormal journalist when she was in high school, and founded her very own ghost hunting club her sophomore year. there were only ever two members (herself and her best friend), but at least someone joined!
  • went to college for a year before her life went to absolute shit and she decided it was best for her to drop out. 
    • and when i say went to absolute shit, i whole-heartedly mean it. 
      • after graduating high school, presley makes the mistake of telling her best friend that she loves them. like, love-loves them. the feelings weren't reciprocated, and presley's friend- feeling just the right amount of awkward- figures it would be better if they weren't friends anymore. they leave the state to go to college, and presley is left in a town she only half-likes, surrounded by people that only half-like her. 
      • always the one engrossed in the paranormal, presley, now cripplingly lonely, decides to do something absolutely horrific. she decides to open a portal and make a deal with whatever comes crawling through to become the kind of person (whoever it might be) that her now estranged friend could love.
        what a great plan what could possibly go wrong? 
        • everything goes wrong
      • she opens the portal and an eldrich-beast horror comes rolling through to answer her hellacious collect call. but no discussions happen- no offers or deals- because the portal (and beast) are so unbalanced that it more or less? rips apart half of her family home? and kills her family as collateral for wasting its time??? presley nearly dies from the experience herself, but manages to live (just barely). some might call it being astronomically lucky. presley coins it as bad karma. 
      • she's shattered by the loss of her mother and father- beyond remorseful, and blames herself every. single. waking. day. 
  • the only good (debatable) thing to come out of the near-death chaos is presley's new ability to read people. she sees auras, and can (on very rare occasion) communicate with the dead. she's still getting used to it- its only been four years- but she's taken it all in with stride. she's become an incredibly good judge of character. 
  • she now lives with her grandmother (who was once a psychic herself but is currently elbow-deep in dementia) and does her best to pay the bills running odd jobs for locals and busting her ass as a barista. on off days and weekends, however, she pals around with the local vampire pi to bust crimes wide open! 

Additional Info:

  • 5'2" & 124Ibs 
  • she loves luis marco like he was her own dad. he fills that role of parental figure that she desperately needs. 
    • he isn't super thrilled to have her pal around with him on cases, but he knows she's a smart girl. maybe a little too kind, but smart. 
    • luis is the bad cop to presley's good cop. every. single. time. 
  • good girl, sweet girl. she tries so hard to be liked; still has a lot of issues with loneliness and all consuming guilt for what happened, but she's trying her best to at least appear half-way normal. she has a habit of taking in strays (animals, people and creatures). it'd be laughably easy to take advantage of her if she wasn't such an alarmingly good judge of character.
  • believes in second chances. and third chances. and fourth chances. all the chances-- people can change if you encourage them, okay!!
  • doesn't dream often, but when she does it's prophetic in nature. 
  • fc is lydia graham 
  • pinboard/fashion aesthetic
  • General Fashion Aesthetic™: casual comfy/90s chic. very into overalls and jean jackets and bright colored shirts with patterns (stripes, floral prints, big tacky words, ect). wears oversized sweaters and windbreakers. loves weird novelty patches and ratty converse shoes. looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll

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