


1 year, 6 months ago


✰ Messier ✰

Nickname Messy

Gender male

Pronouns he/him

Age undefined

Species celestial (sharkdog)

Role collector, magician

Theme Point Of No Return Champion

Sticker set telegram drive

HTML Pinky


Wherever he goes, danger and riches follow. As any other cellestial being, the star thief "Messier" possesses many strong desires and is always eager for a challenge. He wanders the vast galaxy in pursuit of things of beauty, will it be artifacts, works of art or the fighting spirit of another fearsome opponent. The desire to expand his ever-growing collection usually leads to him finding trouble everywhere he goes. Luckily his travel companions are there to help him out in the worst turns of events, so even until this day they never got caught.

Depending on the situation Messier can choose to present in his human or anthropomorphic form. But don't be fooled by his appearance of a young man in his 20s, this fellow has actually lived for a few hundred years. On cellestials the flow of time is generous, so they measure their age in a different way. The only thing Messier hopes for is that he still has enough time left to succeed his goal of finding the Nebulux, and thereby fulfilling the pomise towards a dear friend.


Height and Build tall and athletic

Eyes sharp and pink with long lashes

Froms anthro and human

Hair Color and Style dark purple, short and messy

Demeanor easygoing


  • Sharkdog: mostly canine appearance with some aquatic parts like sharktail and dorsal fin
  • Pink highlights on some hairstrands, pink tongue and beans
  • Dot markings around his eyes in groups of three
  • One star shaped earring on right ear and two black piercings on both ears, galaxy tattoo on his upper arm
  • Dots and stars are random and mainly focus on his tail, can be drawn without them too
  • Two light stripes on both upper arms, one light and three dark stripes on his tail

Reference sheet

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Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Messier is passionate, cunning and has a talent for talking seemingly without the need to breathe. This smooth talker is a natural actor, so decepting others is something he is able do with ease. It's an ability that saved him more than one time during his shady adventures. Cause somehow his missions just never seem to go smoothly, not to say that anyone would have expected his over the top plans to work out in the first place. But truthfully, what kind of mission doesn't involve a little bit of thrill? A plan going wry is the thing that gives adventures their charm. Though it may force the star thieves to improvise on the spot, against all expectations that often leads them to a better outcome. After all skillfully riding along new developments is their forte. By relying on his wits, a bit of magic and their smooth teamwork, he and his group manage to grasp the new chance and complete their mission successfully.

This strong spirited man lives his life free like the wind, caring little for rules or the status quo. He only takes actions based on whatever catches his interest and won't let himself be pushed around. While interacting with others, Messier displays a natural charm and always shows an open and flirty front. Only being able to vind down if he is completly alone, it's difficult for anyone to catch him in a serious mood. A stern look just doesn't seem to suit his face. So if Messier is not lazing around or spending time with his companions, he will withdraw into his domain for long periods of time. During those disappearances he is most likely cleaning up the domain or tinkering on a new project, completly absorbed in his craft. Those activities help him proccess his thoughts and find a proper solution to tricky problems.
True to a magician's heart, he has many interests relating to the field of magic and his curiosity is a well that never seems to run dry. Even though Messier is only able to wield gravity magic, he owns an insatiable thirst for new knowledge, which can be seen by his collection boasting a wide array of magic books relating to all imaginable types. But more than simply studying theory, Messier loves applying his skills in actual fights. It has lead to him becoming an exceptional combat magician, who doesn't shy back in face of any provocation. Messier has a strong sense of justice and is subborn enough, to actually try to uphold his beliefs. He knows that to protect the things one holds dear, one needs to have the power and ruthless will to do so. Usually he doesn't meddle in the affairs of others and tries to enjoy a leisurly life, but if his friends are harmed in any way, Messier won't ever let it slide. As a generous guy, he will make sure to pay them back handsomly.
In contrast with what would be expected of a learned man like him, Messier often uses his vide array of knowlegde for the silliest things. Studying is after all a lonesome activity, so in hope of time passing even a bit quicker, it has lead to him coming up with many creative ideas. If a fellow ever overhears his chuckles, but the guy in question is nowhere in sight, they better make sure to change spots quickly. In tune with his mishievious personality, Messier loves teasing others and playing little pranks on them. All in good faith of course. He may seem carefree, but Messier will never bring any serious harm to his companions. After all their time spent together, the star thieves are like family to him. Those bonds are the most precious things in his life and he will do anything to make his close ones happy.



To get a break from work, Messier enjoys taking a lot of long naps. If he is not busy with his usual activities, he is most likely found floating somewhere while doozing off. Therefore the items he is seen with the most are an huge pillow and his little shark plushie that is always laying besides him.

Plays and music

Messier is a little drama queen. As a fellow actor he is really interested in the fields of art, be it plays, film, music or literature. He enjoys them all and is not shy about referencing his favourite works. His favourite genres are romance stories, comedies and everything about magic, friendship or adventure. Tragedies or horror stories he can never sit through.

His collection

He loves managing his belongings and can spend hours going through his catalogue, sorting the order of everything, and polishing his most beloved objects over and over again. The upkeep of such a huge amount of things may be a boring task to others, but to him, it's one of the biggest joys in life and an activity he looks forward to each day. As up to date his favourite item is a beautiful pink diamond, which he found during the very first trip with his best friend Gaspard.


As an appreciator of rare things, it's only natural that Messier would have an artisan side to him as well. Actually, he acquired most of his skills while repairing all kinds of found treasures, so most of his work is restorational, but he also likes crafting completely new things from scratch. He exels mainly in jewellery or decorative work but also tries himself at artefact creation and modelling. Both of which are bearing various results.



Generally, all celestials prefer well lit places over dark ones and Messier is not an exception to that rule. While sneaking around in the dark is required for his line of work, he finds it incredibly annoying as his eyes have the ability to glow in poorly lit places or whenever he feels strong emotions. It's a trait that blowed his cover a few to many times, making him stick out immediatly and attracting unwanted attention from guards.


Despite his lazy personality Messier seeks out exitement in any way. He loves the dill of trying out something new and can get sad for a few days if the activity didn't reach his expectations. Luckily he quickly gets back to his usual self, dragging himself and his friends again into some new situation.


If he sets his mind on something, he doesn't like to detour from reaching that goal. Doing things he deems boring are really difficult for him as his mind keeps wandering off.


Messier loves all the peaceful moments, when he and his friends sit down and eat a nice meal together. Afterall yummy food should be enjoyed in company. The only problem is that Messier is a really lousy cook. Be it cleaning, repairing things or doing any other chore, he does it well, but that man simply has no talent in cooking. It doesnt stop him from trying, but he always feels bad for messing up his turn and basically doubling the work.



The star shaped earring

The celestials have had an old tradition: When a child first learns to control their inborn personal domain, the guardians of said child gift them an artifact that helps in stabilizing and developing the connection. One of Messier's first ever memories is the one of his mother gifting him a star shaped earring. Now this little accessoire has become one of his most treasured possesions, but while still growing up, Messier was often emberassed about the appearance of his artifact. It's shape stems from a childhod nickname his parents used to call him by. Looking back, Messier finds his former attitude silly and deeply regrets not showing more confidence in the thing that has become his trademark. At current times if he ever finds himself feeling down or homesick, he gives his earring a little touch or glimpses at it in the mirror. Doing so, he can alomost hear his mother lovingly call for her 'little star'.

Night Lake

Every celestial is born with the access to their own personal domain. While the control over said domain varies a lot from each individual, it's a space that with enough control can be freely shaped by the owner and is thereby a strong indicator for their personality and talents. A domain develops alongside the celestial's powers, reason why generally older and more experienced individuals posses broader and more detailed types. As its a reflection of the innermost parts of a celestials being and others can only enter with the owner's permission. Several domains can be connected and if someone decides to share their space with another, it's a really personal and volnurable thing to do. Celestials often used that to celebrate strong bonds with the people they love like couples or families sharing their domains.

Messier calls his domain 'Night Lake'. The entrance to deeper parts of his domain are reached only by jumping into a big body of water. Depending on his mental state the lake will show a different appearance, but usually it shows a calm surface, simply reflecting all stars of the night sky. After diving beneath the surface, one is greeted by a wide hall leading to many different rooms. Most rooms are filled to the brim with things Messier collected throughout his life, like magic books, artifacts, various tools, gifts and many more treasures.


Messier is quite talented with magic and likes to come up with new creative ways on how to use his powers. The color in which his abilities express themselves is pink and the only magic he is able to use are gravitation spells. After all the years he spend refining their usage, those spells alone make Messier an opponent difficult to face. With his current fighting experience and expanded mana pool he easily controls the gravity of many objects and living beings near him. His signature move is making himself fly in unreachable height while raining down the lifted up pieces on the heads of his opponents.

Something 4

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Work in progress!

Since childhood Messier dreams of making a big discovery and having his name passed down though history. He strongly believes that the world still has many wonders left to uncover, they are just laying out there, waiting to be found. Thereby he started traveling throughout the world in hope of gaining more experience, meeting new people and growing his collection. He is afraid of loosing the things he holds dear to his heart, reason why he is inseparable from the star shaped earring on his right ear or any gifts that he exchanged with his friends, who he views like his own family.

Work in progress!







best friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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