


6 years, 1 month ago


No one was particularly surprised to hear that this clumsy strudel found her offering by accident. She was actually on the hunt for a bandage for her scrapped knee and stopped in her tracks when she saw a brightly colored tin of bandages lying on the ground in a child’s bedroom. She quickly scurried into the room, and with great effort managed to get the tin opened. It released a strangely sweet scent, and Fable ripped through the foil covered strip with her teeth, and now a sweet flavor filled her mouth. Confused but intrigued, she pushed away more of the foil and realized it was actually some sort of treat wrapped to look like a bandage. She bit into it again without thinking and started to panic as the once dry and powdered candy turned to a chewy, sticky mass. With some determination, Fable managed to swallow the uncomfortable lump and then gasped. Why on earth would she try to consume something that so clearly wasn’t meant to be swallowed? Was she going to become an outcast for foolishly eating something like that? It tasted so sweet, she was sure it was edible…

Before she dashed out of the room, she noticed a brightly colored doll’s jacket lying on the floor of the child’s toy house. Fable snatched it up and put it on, hoping to hide whatever drastic changes were to come.

✧ bubblegum bandage filling
✧ nub horns
✧ half prick ears
✧ standard tail
✧ "borrowed" doll jacket
✧ wings

strudels are a closed species by loppyrae