


6 years, 2 months ago



Free Spirit Dramatic Odd

"I have a crystal for everything!"

  • Name || Mitsuki
  • Nickname || Mitsu
  • Gender || Male
  • Age || 21
  • Sign || Sagittarius
  • Orientation || Straight
  • Occupation || Spirital Healer/Tattoo Artist
  • Status || Single
  • Species || Non CS Tooth Eye
  • Theme Song || Cure by Lady Gaga ( )


Mitsuki is a spiritual healer offering help and guidance to all who ask him to lend a hand he prefers to use crystals to perform spells to help people feel better and find themselves. He hand crafts crystal jewelry for his clients and people in general as warding/healing pieces for varying needs.

Mitsuki is also a tattoo artist specialized in traditional tribal style tattoos he loves tribal patterns a lot and finds anything correlating to them fascinating. He considers himself a white Wiccan of sorts using the natural energy of nature and life to give peace to himself and others.

Mitsuki works at Thorns & Roses Tattoo Parlor under his boss Valica, he loves both of his jobs very much, he finds the social aspects of both to be great experiences in life. He has a tribal sleeve tattoo on his right arm, he also always wears a crystal of some sort on his person for some reason. He also loves playing his guitar in his free time and dragging his friends over to watch or listen to horror movies/stories.


Mitsuki is a very free spirited person, he lives with his beliefs on his sleeve, he is open even if people think he is crazy, he shows kindness and respect for everyone and everything. He is very down to earth and easy going, but can be especially dramatic when he is feeling worked up or when he wants to be, he lets his emotions run wild sometimes. He can be very sarcastic when irritated which is the best indicator before he starts ranting that something has got him upset, only few people know how to calm him down when he can't calm himself.

He can be easily excitable about certain things and can be read like a book, he rarely finds things to be upset about but he makes it well known if something has gotten him in a negative mood. Overall Mitsu is a very expressive person who loves to be social and see everyone around him happy.


Tribal Stuff
Horror Movies/Stories
Playing Guitar
Making Friends


Negitive Emotions
Being Helpless or Unhelpful
Physical Fights




[ Co-Worker/Best Friend ]
Mitsu and Daze are thick as thieves and are rarely apart since they enjoy each other company a lot. They have been best friends since they were young and share many similarities that they almost seem like siblings with how they act. Daze and Mitsuki both love pranks to a fault and love life to the fullest doing impulsive things that are pretty crazy sometimes. They work very well together even if they can get a little goofy sometimes, they help each other stay focused to do their best work.

Phoenix Quinn

[ Boss/Close Friend ]
Phoenix is Mitsuki’s boss and the owner of the tattoo parlor he works at, the differences between Phoenix and Mitsu are noticeable but that doesn’t bother them at all, lots of people are surprised they can even stand each other from how they act normally. They have a great work relationship as well as friendship they are very close.


[ relationship ]
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