


1 year, 6 months ago


Vivienne Lucette Volkov

Codename “Garou”

French/Russian supermodel-turned-technomancy-fueled-werewolf

Aro? Pansexual (still working this out)


Shapeshifting x2





Gear/Power Subsets:

-Supersuit (cut/bullet resistant, flame retardant, resizes with shapeshifting)

-Heightened Senses

-Natural Weapons (claw/bite)


-Extra regeneration x2

Personality/background: Vivienne was raised by a mostly absent mother with no father in the picture (he literally doesn't know she exists because of her mom).  Her mother was far more concerned with the Paris fashion scene than with dealing with a kid, so she was cared for by a string of nannies throughout her childhood and mostly took care of herself during her teen years.  Her mother married a new man when Vivi was six and had another daughter, Evie, whom Vivi became instantly protective of.  When her mother and the new man got tired of playing house and went back to the high society scene, Vivi made sure Evie always felt loved and taken care of--since this was exactly what she had never gotten when she was young.  Her mother started her off modeling around ten years old, which she loved as it was the only time her mother ever paid attention to her.  She stuck with it to the detriment of basically every other aspect of her life (school, friends, proper social adjustment), and had made a name for herself on the modeling scene by the time she was a teen.  She moved out at eighteen using the money she'd made so far and stopped talking to her mother and stepfather other than generic holiday wishes and the like.  Evie moved out and joined her when Vivi was twenty-two, Evie also heavily involved in the modeling scene and done trying to win their mother's unavailable affection.  The two worked together for about four years, when their mother convinced them to diversify their skill sets by working as private models through an international agent.  This landed them a job in America working for a rich scientist as his showpieces.  Or, *they* thought that was what was going to happen.  The scientist thought he was paying for models who were also okay with taking part in his longevity experiments.  It was completely a miscommunication on the agents' part, but that didn't keep the girls from getting turned into semi-immortal techno-werewolves.  Yes, it's as weird as it sounds.  Turns out the immortality machine was being fueled by energy from an adjacent monster dimension, which was *totally* a good idea on the scientist's part...  This *still* would have been okay after the initial negative reactions (because who doesn't want to be young and beautiful forever, with the only negative being mild lycanthropy?), but while he had them guarding his lab a group of vigilante 'heroes' with a grudge against the scientist broke in to kill him.  The girls (being mind-controlled into fighting them) tried to stop them, which resulted in Evie being cured and then subsequently killed in cold blood by the team.  The scientist and Vivi managed to escape and Vivi swore vengeance against the group.  The scientist said he could probably bring Evie back from the dead, so she agreed to help him fight crime while they hunted for the team of vigilantes and gathered the artefacts needed to resurrect her sister.  Turns out he's not such a bad guy after all.

Vivienne is cold, standoffish, and arrogant, wielding her beauty as a tool to get what she wants just like her mother taught her.  Keeping people at arm’s length means she can’t be hurt by them.  She is practical and self-sufficient to a fault and hates asking others for help, as it would imply a personal failing on her part.  Underneath that outer shell is a young woman who wants nothing more than to be accepted and appreciated.  She craves the positive feedback that she lacked in her youth.  She is fiercely protective of the people she cares about, to the point of self-destructive sacrifice for the few people in her life she feels truly attached to.  Without them, there isn’t a lot left for her to care about, which makes the thought of effective immortality spent alone pretty scary.  She has been warming to Doctor Chronos (another player's character), if for nothing else than because at least he’s not going to grow old and die in front of her.  She does think it would be nice to have the time to get out and experience the world outside of her modeling career.  Cracking through her standoffish shell is hard, but she is actually a loyal person with a razor sense of humor and a decent sense of morality underneath.  You just have to put up with the mean-girl attitude to get there.  She suffers from PTSD and survivor’s guilt in addition to mild depression following her sister Evie's murder at the hands of a group of vigilante 'heroes'.

Updates: After the first game she was in ended, Vivi was captured by a rogue government agency who tried to starve her into becoming a mindless beast that they could use as a weapon against their enemies.  She managed to escape through sheer, brute force before killing the agent who imprisoned her.  Afterwards she took up residence in another city and has been slowly making a name for herself as an influencer online dedicated to positive examples of superhuman power use.  She uses her super-senses at clubs to keep women from being drugged and walks them home at night.  She has gained the affectionate nickname 'Clubwolf' from her followers.  She still isn't working through her issues, which were compounded after the kidnapping/imprisonment episode, though she has recently contacted a therapist for her claustrophobia at the request of her new girlfriend (a steampunk-style inventor girl named Rachel who does vigilante work under the codename 'Gadgeteer').  

Playlist: "Glitter" by Daisy the Great
"A Good Childhood" by Flora Cash
"Supermodel" by Maneskin