


8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Eumei Avent




Gentle and always smiling but actually a sadist when known long - Yandere


Spiritual energies, scent of spirits, scent of vengeance and hatred.


Carrot, carrot, carrot, potatoes, any tuber veggies.


Changeable but prefer to be male most of the time


1. Total of 6 silver and 6 black earrings on both ears.
2. A thin layer of black circle under his lower eyelid. Some black eye shadows on his upper eyelid, not make-up.

Weight : 70kg
Height : 188cm
D.O.B: He's not sure himself.

Eye colour: Whole black with a purple circle around the yellow dot pupil.
Hair colour: Black with some white highlights on his fringe and sideburns.
Skin colour: Slight pale for a guy.




    Eumei had been lurking in human world for a long time, seems to be searching for people with high spiritual power. He's also attracted to vengeful people. Easily gets everything he wanted so he's not much interested in materialistic life, but he's very particular about foods he consume and bugging his secretary : Kaais to make a balance lunchbox meal for him everyday. Kaais purposely slips in carrot slices in his meal for him everyday and Eumei detests carrots. Eumei is also attached to his monocle and is very cautious when taking care of it.

    Has the ability to smell scent of supernatural phenomenon and spirits, tends to leave markings on those who he considered interesting or those who might be useful to him. Due to his body doesn't require any sleep, he often wandering into strange places to search for interesting scent and things. 

    Seems to be related to Mnemory and Abbel... and somewhat interested in Lariat as his scent smelled deliciously rotten to him.


 *Spoiler: Eumei's not a human, thus he could summon black tentacles-like claws from his back, to be exact, his tattoos. Eumei's actually a god born from human's ugly desire and vengeance and feeding on these emotions to maintain himself in this world but he doesn't know the facts about his identity and background except for Kaais (his secretary) yet Kaais decided not to tell Eumei how he lost his memory about his past-self and why he's in this world*

01. Alternative Universe

    Eumei met a homeless man named Vade in the town he lived in and had taken interest towards the thing that had possessed him. Although Eumei tried to convince Vade that something menace is possessing him but Vade's a stubborn, thick-headed hobo and never listened. Eumei follows Vade from time to time to check on his status as well as picking him up when he had wasted himself and wander into somewhere. Due to Eumei's request, Vade had been educating Eumei about the common practice of human, without thinking much Vade just thinks that it's strange for an adult human to not know anything despite being able to survive in this materialistic society.