Haven Harlan



1 year, 6 months ago


Haven Harlan | The Albatross
24 | they/them | superhuman
"Haha... Don't worry - They say drowning is peaceful!"

AL-BA-TROSS- /albəˌtrôs/
1: a very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings
2: guilt,a burden

They say that The Albatross comes for the guilty.

The truth is, however, The Albatross mostly comes for whoever they're paid to come for.

Haven has been a mercenary-for-hire ever since they exited the foster system. Their family died while they were still young, after all! (No one in the system knows that Haven themself was the reason for this, and no one but Haven knows the reasons for why they even did it.) What else were they going to do? Of course, working with The Albatross has its own caveats and conditions...

1. No civilians.
2. Never skimp on payment.
3. Don't breathe down their neck.

If you manage to keep with their rules and capriciousness, things will be smooth sailing. If you don't...

You might just get on their nerves.

Haven is an implsive individual who often acts selfishly. They seem to have fun toying with people as long as they're the one on top, but can be quick to anger as soon as things aren't going their way in a fight. In their quieter moments, however, Haven can be regarded as almost tranquil. When it comes down to it, they'd rather take things easy and not worry too much about things.

The Albatross has destructive power over water. Their hydrokinesis uses the water in the air and in people to do damage. That being said, Haven has no qualms about committing murder with their powers, and their favorite form of execution is using the water in people's bodies to drown them. Because of this, they're seen as incredibly dangerous by both the hero and villain communities. If you're not hiring them for their services, you're advised to keep your distance and leave them be.

In their downtime, they enjoy reading comics, eating fried food, and drinking milkshakes on the pier by their home. They know that no one would ever fight them there, plus, the beach deeply relaxes them. They're also a night owl by nature. After all, there's just something about the full moon that puts them at ease and makes them feel more... Whole.
