


6 years, 1 month ago


   Lil Bat

4 (18 mature)


• Doesn't talk much and often mimics and makes odd noises
• Uses echolocation and infrared to see the world around him
• Can use sound as a weapon and is good at manipulating frequencies to do so.
• "Tattoos" vary. He's used often as a canvas for graffiti
• Does not inherently enjoy fighting but will if needed
• Surprisingly water-resistant, mostly in preparation to dirty tactics that would sometimes be executed in the Scrapper business. Makes a great umbrella.


Jukebox began his life as a robot named Soundwave and made on a challenge to see if anyone could design a blind robot that could take part in the scrapping (robot fighting) ring. There were doubts in the beginning, but when his creator, Dante, introduced him to the world of fighting, he had a successful start within his class, eventually competing with top fighting robots and soon becoming a top scrapper himself. He was given many titles like The Blind Bruiser and Bat Outta Hell, and reigned at the top of his class for two years. However, a group of slimy gamblers tired of his success, aimed to pull him down from his throne. At first they attempted to bribe Dante to command Soundwave to throw the fight, the man refused. Taking matters into their own hands, the individuals against Jukebox rigged the fight, bribing the referee and even decking out the opposing robot, Killswitch, with illegal enhancements to make sure the bat bot would be ground into the dirt. Against all odds, the Shockwave prevailed and won the match, causing those who had bet against him to lose copious amounts of money. The gang had had enough, and in the following night, his creator was killed, and Jukebox was constrained and beaten with cattle prods and other unsavory instruments before being dumped into a far away junkyard.

A few months later, the robot was found by a teenager by the name of Eyrtan digging around for scraps to build a motorbike. They took it on themselves to try and fix the batty behemoth and restore him. After a month or two, he was up and running again, and deeply grateful for what they had done for him. He was renamed Jukebox for the way he played snippets off of radio frequencies to communicate. Now he follows his new owner or anyone under his charge, around like a faithful hound, always eager to defend them should they ever be threatened or end up in danger.

Despite being a gigantic robot made to fight, Jukebox is not naturally an aggressive individual. Often, he's very gentle and tolerant, even allowing children to climb up his arms and play with him. He loves physical affection, and is known to provide firm and fluffy hugs that could easily envelop those smaller than him. However, he is not one to be taken lightly. Insult him or those he is caring for, and you'll quickly make an enemy who will have you drinking through a straw for the rest of your life if you survive. He is still a very capable fighter, despite not being outwardly aggressive. Thanks to his size, very few people don't doubt his capabilities.




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relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.


relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.