[CSS Snippet] Shifty Eyes



1 year, 5 months ago



A small CSS-heavy snippet I made using this tutorial as a base. I wanted a code with mouse-following eyes and this is the closest thing I managed w/o java-script :3 I am not super experienced with code so sorry for any flaws and such, just thought I'd share since I haven't seen another code like this. No need to credit since I only made a little bit of this code from scratch, just have fun!

  • Needs CSS, otherwise the eyes won't work :(
  • Sort of mobile-friendly. Pupils may disappear on medium-sized screens but the eyes will still blink when tapped.
  • For best results I reccomend making the right side's bg, irises, and eyelids all the same color. Iris color can probably be changed if u mess with z-indexes enough.
Hover over this text to be stared at! Maybe don't hover directly over the eyes, they're a little shy...
Be careful when editing the div class for this, or it may move the pupils!
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