Zayn (Blayze)



This is Zayn's self insert oc don't take it seriously lmao

Name:Blayze (His real name is a secret hehe) 

Species:He was born from fire he's so cool guys 

Age:Old as shitballs

Sexuality:Yes he fucks thanks for asking

Likes:Killing people, Fire, Eating everything, fucking hot bitches, edgy things, blood, ur mom

Hates:People being not dead unless they are hot cuz at least one hot person has to live duh, ice, cute uwu stuff, furries, ur mom

Blayze was once a dude then he was set on fire and died and came back as a new dude and he kills people because he hates everyone cuz they were like so fucking mean to him when he was not dead the first time. He's super cool and fucks your mom. He likes to get drunk and fuck sometimes when he needs a break from being stabby. No one can kill him cuz he is just too cool to die. He also breathes fire good for roasting marshmallows and your face.