Dregbus Raukuzas



1 year, 6 months ago




 NAME   Dregbus Raukuzas 
 AGE    47Years of Age (that we know) 
 RACE / SPECIES   Ogryn Skullcrusher 
 GENDER   Male 
 ORIENTATION   Bisexual 
 OCCUPATION   ex bodyguard of the Militarum 

Dregbus is a 10 foot tall, five hundred pound Ogryn from the planet Mornax. An ex bodyguard from the militarum, Dregbus has been enlisted by Zola's team of rejects to fight alongside their guard, presently living on the ship called the Mourningstar. His arsenal includes a Ripper gun and a massive maul and slab shield that he brandishes to deal out devasating blows against heretics.


Most humans
Cleaning weapons
Strict orders 


Hot climates
Small spaces


Dregbus must be accompanied with a fellow officer to enter any small ships.
Dregbus has received a Bone'ead implant.
He enjoys carrying around fellow officers.
Dreg loves jokes, even unfunny ones. 


Despite Dregbus's intimidating stature and physique, amongst his fellow rejects, It has been found that Dreg is actually a very lovable, socially interactive abhuman. Always cracking jokes, Dreg enjoys deploying out into the unknown hive cities around the star system and cleaning out heretics from said cities. He's rough on enemies, but is very gentle and careful outside of battle. He can handle most fragile things without doing any form of damage to said object. It was once observed that Dreg had gotten his hands on a balloon once, and with the gentleness of a fawn, he'd kept it safe within his giant grasp, noting that he enjoyed the sight and feel of them too much to destroy it. He is not incredibly smart, but it appears he is far more intelligent than his other Ogryn counterparts. He speaks loudly and proudly, and enjoys his job, but do not take his kindness as weakness. An angry ogryn is not one to be trifled with. He can be venemous with his words, and at times when stressed or angered, Dreg slips into a momentary rage that comes and goes in bursts, but only if his stress threshhold has been reached. Otherwise, he is a very calm, relaxed Abhuman.


His eagle chest tattoo only has one eye on the right bird head.
He has a tattoo of a heart with an arrow through it on his left hand above his thumb.
He has a small mole on his chin.
The scar on his left eye is white, he's blind in that eye.


Life Before the Tancred Bastian

Dregbus was born during his planet's summer solstice. He was born on Mornax, a planet well known for the thriving huts and homes of Abhumans known as Ogryns, but also a planet known for its harsh climate and rough living conditions. When winters came around, temperatures dipped into the negative thirties, freezing the land and making food scarce and sunlight near non-existence spare for the strange light glimmers through the heavy, atmospheric clouds. And in the summer, temperatures still struggled to stay warm enough to support life, turning the once frozen land into a more dry, rocky terrain, with only a few weeks during the solstice being the time of great hunting and feasting for the Ogryn. The heavy clouds would separate and the sun would cast down upon the planet, heating the ground and bringing forth plantlife and coaxing animals to draw themselves from their hiding spots. Dregbus was still very young when he was thrust out into this strange new terrain to become a hunter for his small tribe of Ogryns, one of the few who had quickly deduced how to catch and hunt animals for food. Their tribes lived separate lives from the commoners that inhabited most of the other planes on Mornax. Therest of the planet itself was home to large mines and oil factories, and Ogryn's had become a quick substitute to bringing in workers to dig deep into the mines. After all, the Ogryn knew how to live and survive on this harsh, hazardous planet. Soon, the mining facortories began to raid Ogryn tribes and take in their young to work in the mines, and at the age of 18, Dregbus had been chosen and sent across the other side of the planet to help mine materials to later be forged into weapons for the Imperium. Slag-breaking and cart pushing had been his job for many years working on his newfound forged world, and for a while, things went well. But it was workers disbuting with the Ogryns that seemed to rile things up in Dregbus's sector. He was constantly harassed and challenged by the workers who oftentimes ran the machines or would come and go from the planet, many mocking the man's living conditions and behaviors that greatly differed from their own. He was pushed into pit fighting, a common practice that evolved deep inside hive cities as a sick form of entertainment; a fight club where few survived. Dreg had managed to make a name for himself with the sheer brutality of his fighting skills and bloody victories. He didn't mind the slaying, it had been justified in his eyes for the harassment he constantly faced. This went on for many years until his early 30's, it had seemed that his victories had caught the eye of another part of the forged world that seemed to need him more than just as a simple mining tool. Dregbus was soon enlisted into the Astra Militarum, where he was quickly paired up with Commisar Terrek Sharventus and a platoon of veterans that hopped from different hive cities, patrolling and clearing out heretics and xeno infestations when needed. But things took a dark turn when they'd been sent out to take post on a planet called Komlar. The planet was infested with chaotic enetities and it had become his and the rest of the Imperial Guard's job to push back the agents of Chaos and reclaim the planet for the sake of Humanity. Dregbus and his fellow soldiers fought for 3 days, even when the guardsmen had fled the battle upon their commisar's orders. The Ogryn that Dregbus fought alongside refused to budge and heed their orders, however. They continued fighting, risking life and limb and loosing many Ogryns in the process fighting against the agents, but on the evening of the third day, the Ogryns finally took back the planet and pushed the agents of Chaos to retreat. Dregbus had expected praise alongside his pals for their duty in completing the mission, but as the militarum arrived, it appeared that this was not the case. Dregbus was met with angry words and was sent back to one of the patrolling hive cities much to his confusion and dismay, deploying out sometime later to continue on with buisness as usual. No rewards, no metals, no food. Nothing but a scorned look on his supoerior's face, and the frustration of not understanding what he'd done wrong. He spent the next few years doing what he knew; obeying the orders of his commander, and clearing out from hive cities with a few other Ogryn pals of his. But once again, another incident on Branx Magna, a big, thriving city in the Moebian Domain that had the Ogryn questioning his loyalty to those above him. He had been ordered to take out a group of corruption cultist presumed to be in one of the more underground districts. Men, women, children, they had been ordered to slaughter all of those inside the district. And while his Ogryn brethren did as they were told, Dregbus found himself faltering. The people they were slaying didn't feel like cultists at all, or if there had been, there were not many. Orders were orders, But Dregbus couldn't comply to killing children. He was sent to Incron, a massive ocean World used primarily as a fleet base for humanity for a year or so to retrain in hopes that Dregbus could reform himself to the will of the Imperium.Luck, sadly, was not on the Ogryn's side. He had made a simple, blunt comment in the cantina about the Corpse Starch they had been served tasting off, and how he didn';t like it at all and refused to eat it that became the final straw for him. He had been ratted out to a foreman by a fellow member and he was handcuffed and taken away, boarded onto the Tancred Bastian to await trial for his actions not just from Incron, butalso for his disobeying of orders on Branx as well. From Milita fighter to prisoner, Dreg had ended up in the company of a small, indestructable xeno creature called Hosin who eventually with little time, befriends the abhuman. The creature is a balloon, strengely enough. But Dreg's unwary-ness towards the creature quickly fades and he and Hosin become close, spending most their time in a cell together seemed to do just the trick. They talk, they play, they share food and stories together, and soon ,Dregbus ends up becoming rather infatuated with his newfound cellmate, and despite the trails he would soon face, things seemed to be on the rise for the big man. but, during his prsoned travel to Atoma Prime, the ship was atacked by agents of Chaos who tore most of the hull apart, leaving room for Dreg to escape and team up with his now superior named Zola, who recruited him as a reject onto the Mourningstar, a ship known to host many found rejects to fight alongside the lesser militarum and prove just how worthy they are to be a part of the Militarum. He ended up sweeping Hosin up alongside him to stay on the Mourningstar in return for saving Zola's life, to which she reluctantly agreed. He's gone most mornings and is back in the afternoons to stay with Hosin.

Current Day

Dregbus currently is still employed by the militarum of the Mourningstar, doing odd jobs similar to the ones he'd done many years before. It isn't until Hosin decides it's time for him to return home, and upon seeing the harsh vioence of this world and what it has subjected Dregbus to, decides he wants the Ogryn to come join him in returning home. But returning is hard and requires a warp jump, that Dregbus and Hosin nearly survive pushing through when they sneak onto one of the scouting ships and tearing it through the warp. When this happens, he is no longer subject to the harshness of his old world, but instead, he is living a happy, content life on Suppaliax alongside many other balloon-like alien creatures that he too, has grown very fond of.





 Rathalus had unfortunately been one of the few that Dregbus accidentally got arrested during his corpse starch incident when he'd brazenly annouced his distaste of the food to his table, whom were all taken in as well. Despite the misscommunication, Rathalus has been very kind to Dreg, and he appreciates it. He cares for the Psyker, and calls him "Sparky" as a petname to his close friend.  




 Ephraim was also part of Dreg's misscommunication with his Corpse Starch incident. He too, seemed to take the arrest pretty decently, and since has gotten close to Dreg as well. Dreg enjoys showing him things he finds, mostly because Ephraim assumes to be in a dream-like world where nothing seems to be real, and enjoys the weird things Dreg brings him. He is still determing a petname for his newfound friend. 


War, Instruction, Exploration.