Paisley "Casper" Strider*



6 years, 2 months ago



charismatic • flirtatious • lonely

Paisley Strider
24 years old
Cis Female (she / her)
Werewolf (turned)
5' 6''
Raging Lesbian

 "I'm back; didja miss me?"

Casper was one of my rare characters where her personality was developed before her design! I wanted her to have a ghostly feel to match why she received her nickname. I made her for a site called Illustrated Reality, a supernatural RP site with witches, werewolves, vampires, etc.

Casper is that type of werewolf where you go 'what if this was an absolute dumbass of a dog instead of a big scary wolf.' She yells at the door. She gets the urge, just for a second, to chase a stick when someone throws it. She is Peak Dumbass Wolf. Please respect the two brain cells she has left.



Casper is a charismatic person, if a little bit of a punk. She's usually pretty laidback, and can come across as flirty, sometimes without meaning to. Often loses the one brain cell she has around any women she finds attractive- which is most of them. She doesn't really have a type, but tends to fall for smartasses and those with a secret heart of gold especially. 

Would give someone the shirt off her back if they needed it. Much better with street smarts than book smarts, although  common sense is a hit or miss for her. She has a rather... unconventional way of doing a lot of things, and is only marginally better at cooking than her girlfriend is. Has chronic dumbass disease.


Born to a flower power mother who had to settle down after one of her flings caused her to get pregnant, Paisley was raised as an only child. She grew up with very little rules, and very little structure. She doesn't fully understand that most things have consequences as a result, and can be a little naive about the real world. 

She was turned when she was only 19, by a freak accident involving a werewolf on the loose. Her back has multiple, horrific scars from the incident, and although the wolf didn't bite her, enough of its saliva got into her wounds and caused her to turn anyways.

Casper found herself trying desperately to hide her new affliction, and eventually fell into a rather interesting type of crowd. A girl gang took her in, and she was relieved to find one of the girls being a werewolf, as well. this girl, Abeni, became her lifeline- although she was a born wolf, and not turned.

Abeni offered her a lot of advice, but there was only so much she could give. Casper handled her problems by hiding them, and after never really striving to control the whole werewolfism (she ate before, so she wasn't violent, and she stayed confined, and she never remembered any of it, so why did it matter?), she fell into some bad patterns. Reality finally came crashing down on one full moon, where she turned and ended up destroying half her neighborhood after escaping.

Casper was horrified- she hadn't hurt anyone, but she could have, in different circumstances. Abeni told her of her family's summer home, a cabin on the outskirts of a small town, and told her to find help there.

Now that she's in the great outdoors, she's torn between loving the freedom of running around without worrying about city life interfering with it, and missing the hustle and bustle of the city. She slowly learned to gain control of the wolf within- she stopped having amnesia when she turned, she became aware of and even could control her actions- and, most importantly, she began to trust herself again.

Enter Delia; Casper's heart all but exploded, held together only at the insistence of its owner. Casper fell quick and she fell hard. They hit it off very quickly, and Casper found herself torn between telling Delia everything, and keeping it secret, for fear of her lycanthropy ruining one more good thing.

She decided she would tell her once she could trust herself 100%. When she knew that becoming a werewolf in front of Delia didn't have her worry, even for a second, about her girlfriend's safety. What she didn't expect, however, was Delia's critical thinking skills.

Delia started noticing the patterns of when she couldn't see Casper around the full moon, and the 'dog' hair on Casper's furniture, despite not owning one. She came to the wrong conclusion of Casper cheating on her, and she was forced into an ultimatum- so Casper came clean.

Haven't quite decided how Delia takes it after that.


  • Casper has 3 forms she can become; a full human, a full wolf, and somewhere in between
  • Casper's lycanthropy is forced on the full moon- as the moon waxes and wanes, she finds the urge to shift more or less compelling. She has learned to shift without the aid of the moon, but it takes a good deal of effort, depending on the moon's phases. On the new moon, she is incapable of shifting at all.
  • Casper has a very, very hard time saying no to a pretty girl. Delia regularly abuses this
  • She has a knack for stealth and lock-picking; part of the reason she gained the name Casper (aside from her appearance) was because she could slip in and out of anywhere undetected
  • Despite being a werewolf, Casper cannot smell (and, by extension, taste) for shit. Flavors have to be strong for her to notice anything, which is why she's developed a love of spicy foods- it's one of the few things she can taste and smell with any sort of clarity. As a wolf, she can smell and taste slightly worse than the average human- so don't expect her to track anything for you.



Delia Aziz [ girlfriend ]

The love of Casper's life. She would move heaven and Earth for that girl. Constantly smitten by her, she finds a new reason to fall in love every day. They've developed a playful banter, and Casper never wants to lose her.


Abeni Bello [ best friend ]

Who knows where Casper would be without Abeni. This girl was the first proof Casper had that you could be a werewolf and not have a totally shitty life. Abeni acts like a mother figure to Casper, despite them being around the same age.

 HTML by lowkeywicked

