waso kule



1 year, 9 months ago


I had a dream, that I was walking around some kind of art gallery. I saw this painting, and as soon as I decided to wake up I tried recreating it as best as I could remember. It's a colorful flightless bird, similar to the animals in the writing system sitelen pona for the constructed language toki pona! It's 3 colors are the 3 toki pona color words: laso, loje and jelo. The blue and yellow background is the same as the 2 colors used on the symbol of toki pona! It's amazing that my subconscious made all this hahaha!

they are gay and in love with Yknowlikenia's Lazi Lovi and this is canon and real

sitelen lape mi la, mi tawa lon tomo sitelen. mi lukin e sitelen ni. mi pini lape la, mi wile pali sin e ona kepeken awen sona mi. ona waso kule pi ken tawa sewi ala. sijelo ona li sama sitelen pi sitelen pona! kule tu wan ona li kule tu wan pi toki pona. kule li laso li loje li jelo. lipu lon monsi ona li laso li jelo. ona li sama kule tu pi sitelen toki pona. mi lape la, lawa mi li pali e ale ni!Β 

ona li olin e ijo Lesi Lowi tan ilo Nija. ni li lon