


1 year, 6 months ago


the almighty, omnipotent, and omnipresent creator of the universe, divinity! (they/it) essentially ruling over reality and fate, divinity is the "origin" of existence, alongside being the creator of all gods (such as florence, nightmare, void, etc.) they are the first and last common universal ancestor of everything. calling divinity themselves a god would be a bit unfair, as their power is incomparable compared to deities. 

divinity existed as a lone, self-existent, disembodied consciousness in a void of nothingness predating the entire universe, living with only their own thoughts. out of the love they had for existence and the wish they had for others to have it, divinity created the 'base' universe from its own will, in an event equivalent to that of a pre-big bang. their very first creation, god, and the foundation of the base universe was void, with the god of birth formed alongside it soon after in the pre-big bang universe, and then the gods of life + death (aka the trinity) respectively following after with the first instances of their phenomenon (big bang + first star forming brought about life, first star dying brought about death, etc). over the next billions of years, divinity witnessed the beginning of life sparking and evolving from all over the universe. 

despite its presence and power, divinity as an existing entity/concept is actually completely unknown to everyone in the entire universe, including deities and gods. this was an intentional decision on divinity's behalf. the only currently known exceptions are cari and galacta knight, who were led by divinity's disembodied voice when they first awoke. 

those with the obvious closest connection to divinity are deities themselves, albeit unknowingly. however, the one with THE closest, direct connecting link to divinity is kirby. 😏 kirby's special. 

other notes i believe are very relevant 

  • although they don't exactly lay on one side or the other for obvious reasons, it could be said that divinity's moral ground leans towards more of the "good side" rather than the "bad side." divinity created the universe out of pure love, which means love is always gonna have to prevail. even if there's dark times.
  • they can come in a multitude of forms ranging from those that are perceivable to those that are completely intangible, incorporeal, and incomprehensible to any existing entity. forms as such include a disembodied form of light with a multitude of eyes, a disembodied voice, a collective form of every species that has ever existed in the universe, a "humanoid" form, literally just the fabric of the universe itself, and much more. in their humanoid form, divinity stands at around 20 or more feet tall. 
  • their body is white! they're every spectrum of color and light in existence! i can't really draw that for obvious reasons which is why they just appear to be... white lol.
  • divinity's personality is very... neutral? content? relaxed? tranquil? happyish??? they're like stoic but in the way that they're just like :) 24/7. 
  • would basically be considered as kirbys grandparent (if we're following the void reincarnation theory.) they're also the one whos like... "orchestrated" kirbys existence and role in the universe. idk how to explain their connection just know divinity has watched very closely 
  • they're basically the creator of the concept and existence of star warriors. they just wanted another group of people besides gods to keep the universe in check and to also send prophetic visions to and to also put through the horrors
  • something something created the puff species something something that's why they're all little weirdos something something 
  • they watch all of the stories events including the incredibly horrific ones unfold like they're sitting on the couch after work watching the latest episode of a soap opera. their favourite shows are keeping up with the dahlias and the real housewives of dream land.